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"This adoption project is perfect for you, These kids really need someone for them and, it is good publicity." My manager said.

I sat there in shock. Adopt a kid? that sounds like a lot. How can I take care of a kid when I'm still a kid myself? "The fan base has been waiting forever for you and Lisa to have a kid anyway." My manager added.

"I have to discuss it with Lisa first." I replied. "Oh, there's no need for that. I already discussed it with her. It took her a lot of convincing but she finally said yes." My manager said. "oh, really?" I asked surprised. "yes, I will fly you to out to America in 2 days." He said.

"Ok." i said then left.

Hey guys new book!! Sorry this is so short it's a little opening chapter the rest will be longer👍🏾

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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