Part 1

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Everyone knew.

Lydia was the first to realize it, obviously, and if Lydia knew then Jackson and Allison knew.
If Allison knew, Scott knew.
And since Scott couldn't keep a secret, Isaac knew.
Of course Isaac could never hide anything for long which meant Erica knew, which meant Boyd knew.

Everyone knew that Derek and Stiles liked eachother...a lot. The tension between the two (sexual or otherwise) could in fact be cut with a knife, or in this case a claw.
But, the two men in question were so ignorant and self conscious, that they were complety oblivious to the others feelings.
Derek was so afraid of loosing another person he cared about that he went as far as pushing Stiles away. He used this "method" to try and fool himself into thinking he didn't care for Stiles.

It didn't really work.

Derek would never admit it, but he was scared of having his heart broken, and with his background, it was an understandable worry. But, by distancing himself from Stiles, it was causing Derek the same heartache he feared.

Stiles on the other hand, had such low self esteem, he couldn't fathom Derek liking him in the first place.(the way Derek treated the boy didn't help either) One night, Stiles showed up at Scott's house drunk off his ass. As Scott was taking care of his best friend, Stiles started spilling his secret feelings for Derek.
He went on for hours, as Scott recalls, about how he would never have the chance to tap the fine piece of ass that was Derek Hale.
The next morning Stiles didn't remember a thing, and Scott didn't have the heart to embarrass him by telling him what he had said the previous night.
(So technically Scott was the first to know, but he let Lydia believe what she wanted)

The two made quite a pair that was for sure.
But, everything changed one Valentines.


It was a little less then a week before Valentines Day, and the pack was sitting in the shade of their favorite tree for lunch. The mass of students swarmed around them, but the pack payed no mind as they piled on top of eachother.
Allison was snuggled against Scott, who's feet were entangled with Stiles's. Stiles's legs were being used as a pillow for Isaac's head, which led Isaac's feet to stretch across Boyd and Erica's laps, and Erica was holding hands with Lydia who was leaning her head on Jackson's shoulder. They were all chatting aimlessly among eachother, waiting for the inevitable ring of the school bell that would signal the end of lunch.

"Danny's cute Stiles, you should ask him to be your Valentines," said Erica pointedly.
"No, Danny already asked me," chimed in Isaac.
The pack had been doing this all period, trying to find Stiles a date for the Valentines Day bash Lydia was hosting. They refused to let him wallow in his singleness any longer, and made it their mission to find him someone.

Stiles rolled his eyes, it was starting to piss him off.
"Would you guys stop already, I already have a date," The entire pack looked at him shocked(great confidence boost),"Yeah his names Vodka, he's a real charmer." They all groaned.
"Come on Stiles, even I'm starting to feel bad for your pathetic love life," said Jackson, Lydia smacked him upside the head.
Once Stiles realized he was bi, and had gotten over Lydia, they had become good friends.

"Don't listen to them Stiles, it's perfectly fine to be single," Allison told him.
"Oh come on Allison, Stiles needs to get laid almost as bad as Derek." Lydia argued, he took back what he said about her, definatly not a good friend.

Erica spoke up at that,"If I was single I would totally bang Derek," Boyd grumbled,"I mean have you seen his ass, god damn what a fine piece of man. And don't get me started on his cheekbones, they are sharper then my claws."
"Let's not forget about his six pack, or his biceps because wow," joined in Lydia, Jackson pouted. She gave him a kiss to shut him up.
Even Allison gave a nod of approval. Almost all the guys on the other hand looked completely uncomfortable.

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