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Hello land it was a long time since I have logged my experience in the life of SENAPI. Its Friday the 12th February. When I was doing my own biz some chick came up to me and gave me this note. This is what is said

" Mickey needs Minnie,  Tigger needs Pooh, And I need to got to the valentine's dance with you!" 

When I read that note once more I looked up and the girl was gone. On the back it showed this address around the school. When I was close to the destination,  I just noticed that the destination was in the courtyard. When I came out it was raining rose peddles. I just noticed that a romantic song was playing. When I got to the entrance my giddy BFF Macy was all over the place. Giggling her face off she just took my away to a wardrobe and said to put a dang red dress. At least it was cute, I was so confused but so curious. When I was finished dressing I called Macy's name. Without yelling me out of this romantic trap the walls break through and SENAPI was a way reach with a rose in his hand and a black and white tux he was off the top HANDSOME. When I step into the beauty room. There was many of my closes friends. The room was top to bottom filled with roses. As soon as I looked up at SENPAI he was with a guitar. All of a sudden the music stopped and the guitar strung. SENAPI was singing, his voice was as good as Adele singing Hello with edits. My life started to change, after SENAPI finished his love song. He repeated the poem on the card. Afterwards he just stared at me with his dreamy eyes waiting for my reply. But I haven't noticed yet was just caught up against his dreamy face. He stand but and hugged me. I felt the warmth of his body while he was nervous about this moment. Until I said Yes, everyone was hooked. I just noticed that this was to court for a relationship and for the most romantic dance in whole high school. Now this was my last year of high school I had to make it worth it Without thinking I yelled YAASSS!! Everyone was cheering with pride. Until SENAPI and i looked at each other. We didn't think the same but this moment our minds where together. He slowly leaned against me and I leaned closer to his face. As I faced all my problems in life all the problems vanished and without thinking we kissed. My first kiss with my own SENAPI. It was unbelievable. When I slowly come apart I slowly faint.

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