Chapter Three

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--Dave's POV--

I sat with John under my arm, his soft snores steady and slow as I watched him sleep. Yeah. Totally not creepy. He was in my arms as I finally drifted off, which was around three in the morning. Bro would so disapprove.

John woke me up at nine with a soft kiss on the nose. His lips fluttered on my skin, lingering for a moment.

"Hey, Dave." he said, his voice soft with morning scratchyness. "Wanna go to the kitchen and get breakfast?" I waved off the comment. Of course I did. "Taking that as a yes." he giggled.

In the kitchen, things were busy as usual. Kanaya was making some odd troll dish for the trolls, and Rose was flipping omlettes.

Karkat looked at me and waved weakly when John turned to talk to Jade. I waved back, but only to let him know I saw him. I let go of John to see what Rose had to say.

"Hello, Dave. Something on your mind?" She said, not even looking up at me. I swear, she's slick as butter. "Or are you going to stand there like the dope you usually are?"

"Sup, Rose. How are the omlettes going?" I said, coolly as possible.

Rose snickered. "Wow, Dave, worried about the quality of what you're about to consume?" she turned to face me, spatula on her hip.

"Yeah, no one here is really that good of a cook. So, yeah. I am." I reply, turning back to the kitchen.

In the kitchen are the humans, the Mayor (coolest guy I know), Kanaya, Terezi, an obviously annoyed Karkat, a blind Sollux, and Aradia. The juggalo and the stuttering lonely fish wizard are nowhere to be seen. Which is alright with just about everyone. No one wanted a sober clown or a horny, genocidal merman.

Breakfast was served, or more, devoured at will. I sat by John and Rose, staying as far away from Karkat as possible. I honestly am not up for more romantic troubles today.

--Karkat's POV--

Dave might think he was avoiding me but no, I was the one avoiding. I am the avoider. He's so blatantly in love with the two of us, there are literal hearts in his shaded eyes when he looks at either of us.

Gog, he's so obvious.

I have also caught John making eyes at me. He's bipolar.

But they so both want me.

Can't say much in my defense, I'm lacking anyone in the flushed quadrants.


Oooooooh. I should not be thinking this.

I'm thinking about cheating on my kismesis. This is terrible. I'm going to cheat on myself. Kids, cheating is especially bad when you're cheating on yourself. I'm filing for divorce.

I stand. "John? John, I need to talk to you." I'm going to kill myself after putting this stupid plan into action. John stands, following me as I gesture for him to follow me to the hall.

He's silent as I walk in front of him, down the winding hallways of the meteor. I have no clue where we are going till we get there.

"Um, Karkat? This is my room." John says, opening the door.

"Yeah, we need to talk." I say, letting myself in. I sit on the couch, right by the arm. John sits next to me. "So," I say, unsure where to start, "I may have kissed your boyfriend yesterday."

"I know." He says, emotionlessly. "I don't care." his face tenses up. "I'm more upset about the fact that you were the one to kiss him." a tear rolls from his right eye. He looks at me, his blue eyes bright against his pale skin.

I legitimately have no clue how to respond.

--John's POV--

So I reached up and kissed him. I really wish I hadn't, but I think I needed to feel his lips on mine, if only once. It wasn't hard, or hungry, like the ones I had shared with Dave last night, but it was needed.

Karkat lifted away after a long while. Our lips were barely touching, but I felt like he had just shown me everything about himself. That was big.

For me.

Karkat said nothing, just left me sitting on the couch as he walked back to the kitchen.

For once, I was okay with him not telling me what he thought, and that was because I already knew.

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