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Hi guys ! I want to share my fan fiction drama to all of you. I know you all dont know Kim Rodriguez right? Before I write my part 3 , I would like to introduced to all of you that she is an actress in the Philippines. I know she and Tegoshi dont know each other in real life but these two are my favorites actors. And ship them.I know it's impossible these two to be together because they are in different countries.Kim is from Philippines while Tegoshi is from Japan.But they both actors in their respective countries, and Tegoshi Yuya is also a singer and member of the group NEWS. I hope you like this story that Im going to write.Please support me in my story because this is my first story.                                              

Yuki POV...

That girl, I hate her. Not just because she is a filipina but because of Yuya always near her. I will make you mine Tegoshi Yuya. I dont wanna lose you to that girl .   

Kim POV...

Tegoshi Yuya is always around me. He keeps me accompanying  where ever I am. He is so good to me. And I really appreciate it and I think I fall for him.

"Hi beautiful!" He said.

"Oh , hi! Kim said.

"This is for you!(He give flowers to Kim.)

"Thank you! What's the occasion ? " she asked him.

"Nothing! It's just for you.

Kim: Why did you gave me flowers?

Yuya:I just want to give you that flowers. Ah Kim, I have something to tell  you.(he is shy.)

Kim: What is it?

Yuya: I like you, ah no, I think I love you.

Kim is blushing.She didn't expect that Tegoshi Yuya will fall for her.She is really happy of what he confessed and she really like it because she is already fall for him.

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