At the amusement park

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Yuya POV...

" I know You still love her.But if you don't admit it ,I think someone can replace you in Kim's heart.Just think about it". It keeps returning to my mind what my onii-chan told me while I'm going to school and when I arrive at my classroom and seat on my chair ,I can't keep on glancing at her seat and I remember when we still together. The truth is I really miss her. I still love her despite of what happened between us. What if she find someone else that can replace me in her heart? What I'm going too do?

After class, he went out in the school and he decided to go home but, he saw Kim, chatting with the other boy and they laugh as if they really close. "Who is he?" Is he the one who my nissy niichan told me that possible that can replace me in Kim's heart? All I can do is staring at them and my heart hurt.

Kim POV...

Taipe: Kimmy-chan!

Kim: What?

Taipe: Let's go to out.

Kim: ok. Where?

Taipe: At the amusement park.

Kim: ok. Let's go.

They went at the amusement park and they really enjoy the rides.

Taipe: Let's ride the ferries wheel.
Kim: ok. It's fun to ride it.

They ride the ferries wheel and

Kim: aaaahhh! (scream )
Taipe: aaaahhh! (scream ) it's fun.

When the ferries wheel stop and they went down and after that they also ride any thing in the amusement park. And after that they went home. Taipe drive her home.
Kim: Thank you for taking me there it's so much fun. I really enjoy it.
Taipe: No problem. And thank you for accompany me there I really enjoy it too with you. So now bye bye and goodnight.
Kim: hehehe! Goodnight. Take care.
Taipe: Sweet dreams.

He wait Kim to enter their home and when she is in their house he left and went his home.

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