{ Chapter Twenty Eight }

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My mom parks the car into the parking lot of the adoption agency . She turns it off and stares out the window with her hand covering her mouth .

Baby Braylee was sleeping comfortably in her car seat .

"You're ready?" I asked her .

"No." She states honestly .

We stayed in the car for a little while longer , not saying a word , then decides to get out . She grabs Braylee's car seat as I grabbed her diaper bag .

We walked through the automatic doors with heavy thoughts pondering our minds .

As soon as we approached the front desk , Ms.Tucker , the social worker , walked up to us with a genuine smile .

"Hi Ms.Peterson . How are you?"

"Bitter." My mom responds .

"Awe." Ms.Tucker was surprised .

"How are you Bryce?" She grins as she lightly taps my shoulder .

"Just trying to make it." I muttered . She nodded and gave me a half hug .

"Gabriel should be here in a minute." She informed us .

My mom sat the car seat down then finger combs her hair . All night me and my mom been up . I don't recall her sleeping because we both stayed up , staring at Braylee while she slept .

We conversed over and over again to be sure that we were making the right decision .

As I looked over my shoulder , I see Jessica and her sister walking through the doors . When they spotted us , their lips curved upwards .

"Hey B." Jessica hugs my mom .

"Hey." My mom greeted dully .

"Hi." Gabriel waves . She's lightskin with black hair and hazel eyes .

My mom stared at her with uncertainty .

The tension in the room rises to the highest point .

"I promise that I will take care of her as if she's my own and I won't keep her away . Y'all can come and visit and I'll be sure to bring her around . I won't allow her to not know who's her biological family." Gabriel reassures us . I felt nothing but a positive vibe from her.

My mom senses it as well and nods . She bit her lip as she unbuckles Braylee from her car seat , securing her into her arms .

She briefly kisses her nose . An angelic smile crosses her face .

"Awww." They cooed . My mom smirks and hands me Braylee .

I rocked side to side .

"Be good baby girl." I said to her then kiss her forehead . Another smile came across her lips .

"She knows who y'all are." Jessica giggles .

I reluctantly handed Braylee to Gabriel . I quickly shoved my hands into my pockets , nervously rocking on my heels .

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