{ Chapter Thirteen }

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It been a couple days after the party . Ive been living on and pretending like nothing had happened . Every night I cry myself to sleep , angry with myself for giving up my innocence to a complete stranger . I would blame it on the consecutive intakes of the alcohol but I knew what I was doing . I'm embarrassed . I'm aware that Bracen and Raheem brought me home that night . I'm so happy my mom wasn't present at the time .

"Brione." I was snapped out of my thoughts , turning my attention to my mother .

"Go get us some snacks." She handed me a $100 bill .

I grasp the money and started climbing out the car .

"You're still sore?" She questioned as she eyed me carefully . For the past couple of days , I've been telling her that I'm sore from practice.

"Yea. We're practicing hard." I faked laughed .

By the way my mother was looking , she didn't believe nothing I just said . She turned to look at Bryce and he had a look of 'uh oh' on his face .

"I'm coming in with you." She said as she climbed out the car . Bryce sighed then followed us .

"Practice huh?" My mom mumbled to herself as we walked towards the entrance of the grocery store .

"Yea. I've been sore numerous of times." My heart beat picked up .

"I know but your soreness never was bad enough to change your walk like your vagina been invaded." She stated bluntly . I quickly turned to look at my little brother and noticed he wasn't paying us no mind . He had his earphones plugged into his ears , his music can be heard .

I didn't have a response to her comment so I kept quiet .

We entered the store and my mom grabbed a shopping cart . I was prepared for her to attack me with questions or even an ass whooping but I received neither .

We specifically shopped for junk food .

"Are we having a movie night?" Zay asks .

"Yea unless y'all had other plans." She eyed me suspiciously . We both shook our heads .

"Hey Bryce!" Haylan ran up to Bryce , wrapping her arms around his neck .

"Hey Haylan." He smiled .

"Hey y'all." Sebastian walked up holding a bag of chocolate chip cookies .

"Hey." We greeted .

"How y'all doing?" He smiled at us .

"Good." We said in unison . "What you got those cookies for?" Zay points .

"Haylan been craving these for the longest." He huffs . We laughed .

"How you doing Brooklyn?" He turned his attention to my mother .

"I'm fine." She smiled her perfect smile . Once again , I caught myself admiring my mother's beauty . I wonder how do I look to her . Do she see my dad in me or do she see herself? It only got me wondering more about my father .

"Brione did you hear me?" My mother stood in front of me . We are exactly the same height .


She eyed me then walked passed me , lightly brushing her shoulder against mine .

I realized Sebastian , Haylan and Bryce were gone . So I took it upon myself to follow my mom.

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