Yugioh: Seal of Orichalcos,Joey and Mai Switch Chapter 1

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So I've had this idea for a while. I always wondered what would happen if Joey and Mai would switch roles. I got help from my new friend Pimsan0. Without giving away too much. On with the fanfiction. I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, card or anything besides the changes. Let's begin.


Chapter 1: Joey's Deal with the Demon

Joey was on his way home from his long day at school. "Man," Joey moaned, "I really need a break." Just then he tripped over something. "Ow. What the heck did I trip over?" He looks and sees a package. Joey get up and picks up the box. "Huh? What's this?"

When he got inside he opened the box and found a video and a "Duel Disk." "What the heck is this?" He placed the tape in the tape player.

And to his surprise he saw his sister Serenity. "Serenity!" He shouted. "What the heck is going on here!?" Suddenly the image chance where a man with long light blue hair, has Heterochromia eyes. His right eye is green while his left eye was light blue and was wearing a dark blue business suit. "Who the heck is this bozo?"

"Greetings Mr. Joey Wheeler. My name is Dartz and I have a proposal for you that you can't refuse."

"Why that little... If he kidnapped my sis I'll-" But he was interrupted.

"You see, I have your sister with me and wish that you join my organization. If you comply your sister will be free and, if I see fit, have her join you." Joey was now fuming with anger from this. "Of course if you join. You will get a new power. Power that can even rivaled the Egyptian God Cards. If you please look at the Duel Disk."

"Huh?" Goes to it and pulls out the disk then sees a green gem and magic card with a strange symbol on it. "What the heck is with this card and this gem?"

"What you're seeing is the Seal of the Orichalcos, with that you will have the power of a god, with it you can protect the things you hold dear. If you are interested in join me." Dartz explain. "There will be a car that will bring you to my company."

Now Joey was not the smartest person but he knew that this was a bad idea. "This is a trap if I've ever seen it. I'll go but only to get my sister back and get out of there."

"Oh and if you find your friend, Mr. Yugi Moto don't tell him about this. If you do i can't be held responsible for any... misfortune come for you sister."

This sent Joey into a frenzy of rage and shouted, "WHEN I GET MY HAND ON HIM I'M GOING TO KICK HIS BUT INTO NEXT WEEK!!!! I'M NOT GOING TO JOIN HIS!!!!"

"I will be waiting for you to arrive Mr. Wheeler. Good day to you." And with that it ended.

"Why I oughta- When I see that smug jerk I'll give him what for." Just then he heard a car pulling up to his house. "That must be my ride." Grabs the Duel Disk, gem and Seal. "I'll gives these back, get my sis and get out of there."


(Later at the Paradius)

"So this is the place huh?" Joey asked himself. "Paradius... weird name." He then walks in.

"We were wait for you Mr. Joey Wheeler." a man in a black business suit greets him. "Mr. Dartz is waiting for you at his office."

"Yeah, well I'm not sticking around that long I'm just here to drop off some things, get my sister and I'm out of here," He told him. He follow him to the elevator. "Listen, if my sister is hurt I'll send you and your boss on a one way trip on the pain train." They finally reached the top and the doors open.

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