Yugioh: Seal of Orichalcos, Joey and Mai Switch Chapter 3

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Welcome back to another chapter of Yu-Gi-Oh: Seal of Orichalcos.

Mai: "What the heck took you two so long to start this up again?

What? Me and Pimsan have our own lives and works to do, right Pimsan?

Pimsan: Yep. And i'm writing my own stories, one of them involve my Oc Ray in the 5ds world while my other is a crossover with Digimon and Megaman.

Mai: "Really now? That sound interesting."

Yes, and I've been trying to read them to help him write them, but I just can't seem to get the time in. Sorry about that man.

Pimsan: meh, can't be helped.

Mai: "Well then shall we?"

Yes but first, we will send a link to Pimsan's stories at the end of this chapter for all of you that want to read them. You okay with that?

Pimsan: Yea, thank! But you have to write your stories yourself once in awhile, okay? Or else you won't improve as a writer. Trust me, speaking of experience here.

I know that, I'm doing my own works, but I get such a writes block that'll take me months to write something, and college is not a cakewalk ether.

Mai: "Ouch..."

Pimsan: Hope that change in the near future, but let's get started, shall we?

We can only hope, anyways Mai, if you will?

Mai: "Right away, Xarazechi and Pimsan0 do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, the card or anything besides the changes, the OC and OC cards."

Let the show begin.


Chapter 3: A New Journey Begins

Mai and Serenity had been driving for a few hours now. Serenity had told Mai what had happened and what happened to Joey. She had put her head and arms down on the door of Mai's car, still thinking about about her brother and what that Seal of Orichalcos spell card was doing to him.


"And then I...." Just then something came over Joey. His hand started to move to the Seal. "Serenity, help!"

"W-what wrong?" She asks, worried.

"My arm is moving on it's own. It's trying to play the Seal!" His hand started to pull it out of his hand and went to place it to his field zone.

"No! Joey!" She grabs his arm before he played it. "I'll help you, I won't let you play it." But she got pushed away by a some sort of force.

"Serenity! No! I won't play this!" He was trying his hardest to stop himself, but it was played in his Field Zone, and the punk and him got trap in a circle and Joey was started to lose his mind.

"Serenity...! Get out of here! Go... To Yugi's house! Now!" He ordered her.

"No I won't leave you!"

"Go! Now!"

She does but not without saying one last thing. "I'll come back for you Joey," and then she left.

-Flashback End-

"I was useless to help Joey..." Serenity muttered to herself as tears started to roll down her eyes.

Mai looked at Serenity for a second then back at the at the road. "It's not your fault hon," she tells her making Serenity look at her. "We just have to get to Yugi's place, and hope he can solve this problem."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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