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"Gyu, are you still dizzy from the ride?" she worriedly rubbed his forehead as they sat on the bench by the bus stop.

Shaking his head, he then answered, "Aniya, it's not that bad anymore.." his face was still kinda pale as she looked at him apologetically.

"Mianhae, if i knew you were gonna feel sick, i wouldn't have taken you for the roller coaster." she rubbed his forehead again when the bus arrived.

Tugging his hand, she led him to the bus and sat down on the seat. Still a little dizzy, he was looking quite green as she started patting his head.

"Just wait for a while okay? I'll take you home." he nodded, accepting as he couldn't say no.

Upon arriving at his neighbourhood area, they got down the bus and started walking to the direction where he was pointing to as they arrived right outside his apartment with her fumbling with the card to get in.

Going inside, she helped him with his shoes and with her own before she took him to the big couch, they both sat before she slowly laid him down, his head on her lap.

"You can take a nap if you want to.." he shook his head at her suggestion with his eyes closed, "Aren't you tired?"

He fluttered his eyes open as he answered, "I am, i just can't take a nap right after drinking coffee. I drank espresso remember?" she recalled her memory when they were still at the cafe.

"Oh right.." she mumbled as he closed his eyes again as they stayed in utter silence for a few moments before she slowly moved away from his head, making him flinch.

"What are you doing?" he asked as she slipped away from him, heading to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"I'm just finding something that could probably relieve your dizziness. Ah yogurt!" she grinned as she searched his fridge again and found fruits.

"Wait- don't move, just lie down!" she ordered him just when he was about to get up.

He pouted before laying down again as he waited for her, his curiosity peaking as he heard cutting noises from the kitchen. Soon, she came back with a bowl of plain yogurt with apples and peaches mixed together.

"Eat, I'm pretty sure it'll make you feel better!" she gleamed as he sat down properly before eating it slowly, savouring the flavours as he loved yogurts.

Emptying the bowl completely, she took it and put in the sink as she asked, "How do you feel now?"

He smiled, "Much better and happier compared to just now, yogurt is a source of my happiness!" he joked as she grinned, ruffling his hair.

"See, i told you!" they both grinned, returning goofy smiles at each other before she was reminded of something.

"Ah! I forgot to give this back to you." she unzipped her large bag and pulled out his red backpack out of it before handing it over to him.

"Thank you! I was afraid i might lose my favourite hairspray and combs!" he hugged his red backpack before looking weirdly at her who had her hands out.

"Where's mine?"

"I threw it out."

"You what?? KIM MINGYU, YOU ARE SO DEAD." she was about to make a move when he escaped to his room and right when she was about to kick his door open, it opened and a red backpack appeared through the gap, the rabbit tag on the side.

Eyes glinting, she grabbed her bag and peeked through the gap as his hoarse and cracked voice was heard.

"I'm sorry, i was joking. So please don't kill me.."

She giggled as she pulled his door open, revealing him who was in defensive mode, arms covering his face only.

"Why are you only covering your face?" she questioned his weird actions.

"Well apparently, i don't want to have my handsome face beaten up so feel free to hit somewhere else, just not my face."

Within only his sentences, it brought a massive burst of laughter to her, nearly tearing up from laughing.

"Aigoo, my stomach. Gyu-ah, you're funny." she stopped laughing and patted his head, obviously tip-toeing to reach him before walking to the couch, sitting down and unzipped her bag.

Loosening his defence mode, he carefully walked to her, still quite afraid that she might just beat the heck out of him, she giggled at his defensive actions.

"I won't kill you Gyu. And thank you for my bag, i really need it." she smiled at him as he finally let loose his defense and stared at her when she pulled out a pastel pink journal and took out a pen before she started flipping the first page.

"What's that?" he pointed at the journal as she gleamed, happy that he had asked.

"This Gyu, is my memory journal! I write down what i did everyday so that when i grow old, I'll look through these and remember what i did in the past.." she paused, seeming very proud of her idea, "Amazing isn't it?"

He grinned, chuckling at her brilliant yet cute idea, he then ruffled her hair, "It's brilliant! It suits your personality very well, maybe i should do the same too someday.."

Her eyes shone bright as she showed her gummy smile before going through her bag and took out a thick baby blue journal this time and showed it to him.

"Then you should start now! It has enough more than enough pages for you to summarise your days for the whole month staying here! Do you wanna try?" she smirked as he thought for a second before he came up with an idea.

"Hey, is your journal empty like this blue one?" he questioned as she nodded, "Then what about we fill in the whole journal about the whole month here, until i go back. What do you think?"

The tip of her mouths curved up as she grinned, "Then shall we start?" he nodded as they both giggled.

"Remember Gyu, 30 more days until you leave and by that time, i would want to see the journal filled properly okay?"

"Without any days missed?" she nodded at his question and he smiled confidently as he continued, "I'll do it."

Satisfied, she held up her pinky at him as she softly murmured, "Promise?"

He raised his pinky before connecting his to hers as the promise was made, as he mumbled confidently, "Promise."

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