Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long while! My mom took away my phone for a whole month because of exams, and then didn't return it for such a long while. I am just so so so sorry about this! Now, off to this new chapter! Happy reading!

(Yulia's POV)

I went with Yuzu and Javi to one of the hottest nightclubs in town: The Glow. I have never even been near a nightclub, let alone inside it. I grabbed Yuzu's arm, saying,

"I don't think I look old enough to enter a club." He laughs a bit.

" No worries. I think you look wonderful." He said, staring at me intently. I shivered a bit. There was something in his gaze that told me otherwise, but when I blinked, it was gone. Perhaps I dreamed about it. Anyway, I entered the club with the two boys. Wow! I thought. Flashing strobe lights were flicking everywhere, the latest dance tunes pumped out of huge speakers, and people were dancing to the beat. I felt slightly intimidated by the atmosphere, but Yuzu grabbed my arm and hauled me to the dance floor. "Yulls, don't be such a scaredy-cat! 'Live while you are young!' Ever heard of that?" Yulls !? Wherever did that come from? But to admit it, I kinda liked it. So, I allowed myself to be pulled away from my spot and into the mass of people on the dance floor. Yuzu twirled me around and I laughed, clinging to him with my free hand. It feels so nice to be able to ' feel the moment' with your friends. Java also joined us on the dance floor, doing his wacky dance moves as we all laughed at how comical he is.

We danced straight into the night, and when it is time to leave, Yuzu kissed me on the cheek, whispering," See you tomorrow." Is it just me, or did he linger on my cheek for a fraction of a second longer? Still I dismissed it as nothing. "See you tomorrow too, Yuzu." I answered back, kissing his cheek too. He smiled a little brighter, then proceeded to walk me back home, his fingers curling over mine.

Javi saw this out of the corner if his eye and he smiled, just a little quirk of his lips. Things are going to get interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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