The Stake's Valentine Day

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The Stakes' Valentine Day

Tradition demands that the kitchens of demons must have a cauldron.

One larger than the average household bath, ...since it's meant for stewing human meat, naturally.

Is a deadly dish in the making...? Or an ill-tasting torture...?

A bowl floated upon the hot water that filled the cauldron, a variety of minced, tasty-looking chocolates within...

A spotlight illuminated the scene, and Ronove entered the stage, wearing a chef's hat.

"Now then, misses and madams in front of the television, how is this? Once the chocolate is heated and melted throughout, pour it into the bowl of cold water we've prepared beforehand. Then stir, stir, stir. If you don't take care, the edges will solidify. Let us stir so as not to let those men's molten hearts cool down."

...The host of this year's Valentine's Day chocolate special seemed to be truly enjoying himself.

"Since the tempering is complete, let us continue by squeezing the chocolate into bite-size circles. Look, isn't that just perfect? It is like a chocolate cookie, if I do say so myself."

With a practiced movement, an elegant overaction, Ronove punctuated his words with the creation of a succession of chocolate medals.

"Next, ladies, please show me your originality by decorating it to your own taste. I shall merely suggest nuts as a basis. Almond, pistachio, cashew nut... walnuts and tea leaves are wonderful as well. The demons' special recipe calls for it to be decorated with the seed of a devil's trumpet and the blossom of an angel's trumpet. When he eats it, perhaps you'll mysteriously find out the name of the girl he likes? A valentine is the celebration of a maiden's dreams...! I, Ronove, sincerely wish that you shall remember this wonderful and precious day for a lifetime. Pukkukkukku!"

The seed of devil's trumpet and blossom of angel's trumpet are poisonous to humans. Don't eat them!

"Of course, of course. Because humans will be eating the chocolate this time, let us not use any poisonous plants. Once you cool this in the refrigerator, it is complete. Now, a round of applause for our lovely ladies. Pukkukku!"

The kitchen fairies clapped and cheered in admiration of Ronove. He returned their praise with a graceful bow, and with that, the Valentine's Day chocolate special came to its conclusion.

Ronove placed the chocolate in a beautiful decoration box, suitable for presentation to his mistress, Beatrice.

"It would be best if Milady were to handcraft her own Valentine's chocolate, but there are also times when this shoddy chocolate of mine can grab hold of a gentleman's heart."

Apart from Beato's share, there was still plenty of chocolate left.

Ronove brought his hands together, and the sound of his clapping echoed throughout the kitchen.

"You may come out now. Thank you kindly for keeping yourselves invisible while I was cooking. As a token of my appreciation, why don't I share this with all of you?"

"Kyahahaha! Oh, Ronove-sama, you're too kind~!"

Beelzebub was the first to appear, with a *dobon* from behind the cauldron.

Once one of them appears, it's no use for the other sisters to stay hidden.

From within the refrigerator and within the pots, here and there and other such places, hands and feet began to emerge, and the seven sisters appeared in sequence.

"W, we apologize, Ronove-sama... Our act of spying on you was..."

"Think nothing of it. After all, the seven of you are maidens. It is only proper that your hearts should beat swiftly on Valentine's Day! Of course it would be a matter of interest to all of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2009 ⏰

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