This morning I was having a wonderful dream about a black wolf running through the forest but, of course my dream had to be interrupted.
"Elijah get up." Dad said shaking me, which only made groan and hide under the covers for safety. "Ellie get your ass out of bed, or I will drag you out." He warned me.
"Ok! You win. I'm up, I'm up." I said defeated. He smirked and left my room so I could get ready. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door. I then stripped off all my clothes and got in the shower. When I was finished I turned of the shower and wrapped my towel around me. After that I quickly dried my long wet brown hair.
Today I was wearing a white tank top that said wild spirit, ripped black skinny jeans, a black hoodie, black boots and a black bandana. then I started doing my makeup. When I finished my makeup I put on a black choker, two black brackets and a black ear cuff.
As soon as I brushed my teeth I grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs.
"You ready?" Sam asked taking a bite out of his apple.
"Where's dad?" I said looking around the kitchen. Sam explained to me where he was. He was trying to get a normal job, meaning something that doesn't involve demon killing.
Sam left the house and started walking toward dads car.Ahh I hated being the new girl at school! I don't like it people always stare at you and talk about you. It's so bloody annoying. Dad also makes me bring weapons to school. Even though we're not killing demoms anymore. My thoughts where interrupted when I bumped into someone. I looked up at the boy I had just bumped into and examined his face more closely. He was kinda short. Actually I'm really tall so I guess he's average. He had adorable bright blue eyes. A cute smile and dirty blonde hair. "Sorry" I muttered.
"It's ok I'm Liam by the way". Liam said. "Hey are you new?"
"What gave me away?" I said with my British accent and a stern look on my face. Yeah yeah I know what your thinking Dean Winchester isn't British. But my mother must've been, so I guess I got that from her.
"You look lost. I'm new to." He chuckles.
"well actually I am lost, I have know idea where English is." I said dramatically.
Liam chuckled. "I have English to, follow me." Liam showed me the way to English and we both sat down next to each other.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Elijah." I said awkwardly.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
As soon as the bell rang students started filling up all the seats in the room. When the teacher came into the classroom I slouched down in my seat hoping he wouldn't notice me.
"I see you Miss Winchester." Said the teacher. Everyone looked to the back of the class and stared at me. Liam also tried to hide from the teacher. "You to Mr Dunbar. You two come to the front and introduce yourselves." We both stood up and went to the front of the class.
"Miss Winchester you first, tell us a bit about yourself." Shit! This is exactly the kind of thing I was trying to avoid. "My name is Elijah Winchester" the teacher stared at me as if I was supposed to tell everyone what are your hobbies. I realised that's what he was actually doing and finally spoke up. "I like hunting." I told the class. Liam was next.
"I'm Liam Dunbar. . .I like lacrosse." As soon as Liam finished I practically ran back to my seat.Lacrosse tryouts went pretty good but I think I heard two juniors talking about me. "She's a werewolf to I can smell it." One of the boys said.
"You sure, what about the other kid?" The other one asked.
"He's not I would be able to smell, her definitely." Weird they know I'm a werewolf. I think I also got that from my mum. I don't know.Liam broke his leg and the two boys were taking him to the nurse, he'll probably end up going to the hospital.
The tallest boy turns around and speaks "Why are you following us?" I think his name is Scott.
"I'm not! I'm coming with you, Liam's my friend." I yell.I'm currently at the hospital sitting next to Liam just talking about random stuff.
"So. . .Would you maybe like to hang out some time? I know this horrible timing but. . ." I start.
"Like a date?" Liam cuts in.
"Do you want to be a date?" I ask. Just as Liam was about to answer, someone knocked on the door. So I quickly jumped out of my seat and left the room. I sit down on a chair outside of Liam's room, plugged my headphones into my phone and started listening to music. I was listening to Drag me Down - One Direction. A few moments later I was interrupted by the screams of a nurse nearby.
Straight after that Liam came out of his room and started to walk down the hallway. Then a boy jumped on Liam and attacked him. He had blood all over his face and he was trying to eat Liam. "Bloody Wendigoes" I muttered. And took out my gun. I shot the kid in the shoulder and he ran at me. "Liam go!" I yell. Liam ran straight for the roof and the wendigo went after him. I sprinted after them. Surprisingly Scott was there and he was trying to tell the kid to not hurt Liam. I readied my gun aiming it at the boy. Then all of a sudden I froze. Everything was blurry. I couldn't feel my legs. I collapsed. I heard Liam's screams. And when I regained consciousness I saw Liam holding his arm. I made my way over to him and examined his arm. Holy shit! He was bitten by a werewolf! By Scott. I remembered Scott's eyes turning red at lacrosse tryouts. He's an alpha. Which means Liam will turn or he will die. I tightly hugged Liam. I felt sorry for him he could of had a normal life, normal friends, a nice girlfriend. But no he had to get dragged into this bloody mess!So was this any good? I know, I know I'm horrible at this but meh, I'm just writing this for fun :)

Winchesters daughter || Teen wolf ⚜ Supernatural crossover
FanficWhen Elijah Winchester, the daughter of Dean Winchester. Moves to Beacon Hills with her dad and uncle for a fresh start, she doesn't even dream of falling for a cheeky little freshmen who calls himself Liam, who did I mention? Is also a beta werewol...