Chapter Two

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//Present Day\\
"Come on Phil, you need to take a break, come chill with us"
Liam continues to nag. I've never really liked Liam's friends. But I finally gave in. "Okay, where are we going?"

"You'll see."
I didn't like the grin on his face when he said that. I followed him outside where everyone was waiting. They all had grins on their face. There was Liam, Dean, Dan and me. I was the smallest one of the group , which concerned me. They all had muscles while I was skinny with no muscles at all.

They started walking and I followed, not interested in whatever they were talking about. My mind was still on Olivia. I know it's been over a year, but I know she's out there. She can't be dead. Her light green eyes and beautiful brown hair gave me butterflies.

Everyone stopped. The walk didn't seem long, then again it never does when my minds somewhere else. I look up and what I see bubbles a bit of anger. They know I never wanted to come here. I'll be honest I've always been a bit scared of the tunnel.
"Let's go in"
Dean happily says. I just glare at Liam, who laughs it off.
"How about you go in first Phil?"
Dan grins. I didn't want to, but they'd make fun of me for weeks if I didn't. I nod then start walking towards the tunnel entrance. So many people have said that Olivia could be here. But that can't be true.

I stop at the entrance and look around. It's pitch black in there, we'll need a flashlight.
"Liam? Can you shine a light?"
He mumbles an okay, and shines a light. I start to walk in, slowly. Soon we're in farther then I thought, and the light disappears. All I hear are footsteps running back to the entrance.
I call, but he doesn't answer. They ditched me in the darkness of the tunnel. I'm not surprised.

I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight, then start walking back to the entrance, but stop in sudden shock and fear as I hear someone call my name.
It's her. I quickly turn around and shine my light everywhere, then it lands on her. Olivia.

Her brown hair is knotted horrifically, and her green eyes are dull. There's dirt all over her, and some dried up blood. I stand there in shock.
She once again asks. I walk to her slowly then hug her.
"Yes Olivia, it's Phil"
I found her. I found Olivia Brown.

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