[7] five o three & atlanta

406 19 3

throwback image ok soz ily


Zayn had finally found his laptop charger. It was under his bed. He didn't even wanna know how it got there.

Zayn plugged his laptop in and pressed the power button. He waited for his desktop background to show up and opened the media again.

He clicked on it twice, but he skipped to about 15 seconds before the recording ends.

"Um, so, Zayn. If you still can't figure it out. I'm,..." she paused. 

"Come on," Zayn muttered to himself.

"I'm Ally, Zayn."

Ally? Zayn thought to himself.

It was you? He thought again.

Zayn could see Ally smiling while recording this.

The media reached its end.

But Zayn pressed replay and heard the song again. 

About six more times.

Until he decided to text Ally.

zayn : hey 5:03

Zayn locked his phone and smiled to himself. He finally found her, and he's happy about it.

ally : so you've opened the bag

zayn : yes i finally did

ally : good to know

zayn : you wanna eat out?

ally : we just did ???

zayn : eh we could go for another one

ally : lmao nooo

ally : i'm quite busy now sorry )):

ally : maybe tomorrow?

zayn : bish k fine

ally : where

zayn : where else would we go

ally : chinese food?

zayn : absolutely

zayn : tbh idk the name of the restaurant

ally : omg how many times have you been there again?

zayn : with today, twice

ally : ugh it's Cheng's

zayn : Cheng's. ok got it

zayn : Cheng's tomorrow at 12, i'll pick you up

ally : okayy

Zayn locked his phone again and fell asleep listening to the recording.

the next day


The car ride to Cheng's was silent. Zayn had tried to open a conversation, but Ally just seemed distant.

They arrived at Cheng's and ordered food.

"Hey," Zayn reached for her hand. "What's wrong?"

Ally pulled her hands down to her lap and stared at them. "Nothing," she replied.

"You can tell me anything, you know?" Zayn wanted to make sure that Ally knew Zayn was fine with everything.

Ally nodded and sighed. "I'll tell you after we eat."

Zayn nodded and they both waited for their meal.


"So?" Zayn cleaned his mouth with a napkin.

Ally put her chopsticks down on her plate and stared at her hands, again.

"Do you wanna know why I started giving you stuff? From the painting, to the poem, and to the song."

Zayn nodded a yes, and ushered for her to go on.

"I've known you since we were freshmen, Zayn. But you didn't know me until we're in sophomore year. And that was because we were in the same class, and we started texting because my friend took my phone and texted you. I was too scared, Zayn," Ally explained and laughed bitterly. "Now, it's just too late."

Zayn was confused. "What's too late?" he asked.

Ally laughed again. "I'm moving to Atlanta tomorrow, Zayn," Ally shed a tear and wiped it away quickly.

"What?" Zayn asked, obviously surprised.

"I'm moving to Atlanta, tomorrow," Ally repeated, a few tears easily falling down her cheeks.

"No, no, no," Zayn muttered. "But I just found you!" he stated.

"You should've found me weeks ago, Zayn. You were late to discover the CD."

By that time, Ally's face was already covered by her hands, her whole body shaking uncontrollably.

Zayn pulled Ally's hands and held it in his.

"Why?" he asked.

"My grandma needs a friend in Atlanta. I can't be that selfish, Zayn," Ally smiled sincerely.

"But, you could stay and tell one of your cousins to-"

"I'm her oldest grandchild. My cousins are ten year old children, Zayn," Ally cut him off.

Zayn closed his eyes and silently cursed at himself for being so stupid, for not checking the bag earlier, for not taking the hints, for everything.

"I'm sorry for not finding you earlier," Zayn finally said.

Ally smiled as a tear dropped again from her eyes. "It's not your fault," she said.

"But it is."

Ally shook her head. "It's not."

Zayn sighed and squeezed her hands. "Promise me, we'll meet again? Even after you move to Atlanta?"

Ally giggled and nodded eagerly.

Ally reached out her pinky finger, waiting for Zayn to link his to hers.

Zayn put his pinky finger beside Ally's, and curled it in.

Ally stared at their hooked pinkies and thought to herself, I'll never break this promise.

And while Ally's tears started to stop, the tears in Zayn's heart rained heavily.

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