How you meet

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Logan: Logan was walking in the forest out side the xmen school when he catch the old cent of his old emine saberteeh. When he go to the area saberteeth was he saw a dead women and right next to her was a baby. You cry for your mother.

Sabertheeth turn to u ready to kill u until. Logan stoped him with he's clawers. When Sabertheeth retreat Logan turn to u and picks you up and says "I guess I your new dad" and walk back to the school with u cuddled in his arms. Long the way think of what to name you. " I think I call you y/n

Erick: Erick found a laboratory in the out the borders of Germany where he hide people were expaming on mutants. O his way to investigate her say a won an running out to the building with Domingo wrapped in her arm being chased by German solder with guns.  Erick ferrous not only the were trying to kill a mutant but a woman none less. One of the bullet hit her making her fall and hit the ground. Using the metal ball he carry with him killing the grand. He ran over to the woman to see if she was ok. The woman was close to died before her last breath say said to he "please take my daughter and keep her safe. Her name is y/n". The light leave her is the mother dies.

Loki was walking around New York park when he noticed a basket with a note that says" this child is. Freaky to who ever is reading this good like. After reading the note Loki removed the cloth revealing a baby with e/c looking up at him. Look remembering his past of him being abandoned by his true family. He picks you up and says "I going to be your father you she'll give anything and everything you wish to have a happy life. I she'll call you y/n

Victor doom
M/n was in labor with you with victor by her side. After giving both m/n life was slipping away. Before shutting her eye she ash him to take care of our sweet y/n. Victor was heart broken that the love of his life passed. Until he headed the whimper of the small baby in his arm crying for her mother. Victor cradle you in his arm wishing that you would have you mother watch up but he will do anything to make up happy

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