When you get sick

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Logan: your dad would give you anything you need. He even lay down and watches the football match on tv.

Charles xavier: you dad would get you to stay in bed and he would read to you until you fall asleep

Erick: he near leave you side he will get u a ting you need and just lay there with you while making shapes with the metal balls he all was has on him.

Loki you never usely don't get sick but when you do you dad heal you all better so you can run and play or help him prank you uncle.

Victor doom only time is not in the lab is when your suck he would bring you anything you need and watch tv with you while planing is next plan taking over the world.

Jean   She would make F/s (favourite soup) and watch movies allay with you.

Susan is a mother hen she won't let you out of her sight. You try to leave you room but she stops you. She would check on you every 15 mins.

Wanda Maximoff she would bring out anything you needed and watch y/t/s (you favourite tv show) all day

Maria Hill she like Jean but worse. She never leave you side unless you were a sleep. She would cook Y/m ( you favourite meal) and give you ice cream.

rogue  she would play video games with you all day

Mystique you never get sick

human torch her gets Susan to look after you. Some of the time you get sick so does you cousin, so you hang out with here.

Spider-Man he make you his aunt May home made stew.

Tony  even when you sick he would let you in the lab. You would work on your ironman suit

Steve he would make you anything you what and watch cartoons all day

Bruce he would stay with you and read his notice for his experiments

Thor  he get Loki to heal you so you play with your cousin

Vision you never get sick

Clint even when ur sick he takes you to the shooting range

Natasha you stay in bed and play battle she with your mum

Pietro you and b/n don't really get sick but your aunt Wanda looks after both you and as the last time your dad  race both you and your brother and both were in hospital for over a month conscious  

Coulson he would lay with you and tell you stories of captain America

Bucky just watch really old cartoon and cuddle

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