You get hurt and both you father and child/children look after you

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Logan: even after Max healed you were still on bed rest. Every time you got up you dad you stop you and put you back in bed. You son would come in and lay with you until your husband to look after you give your father break.

Charles xavier: you were driving you motorcycle when you had to swerve hitting a tree to provent from hitting a woman push a pram. You Brock your leg so you could not move around to much so phoebe and your father look after you until you were able to walk.

Erick: you father was practicing with his metal balls making shape. Not knowing you were behind him he you them into knives and stab you with then. After your father packed you up you son Sam brought lunch into your roo and watch f/t/s ( favourite tv series)

Loki lexi, Lori and your father were the training room watch you practice Thor. You uncle start to get cocky thinking you could stop his attack. Hitting you with his hammer you hit a pillar making you blackout. Waking up you were in you bed, you saw both children and you father coming in with a home cooked meal and a big chocolate cake to share. After eating you watch f/m (favourite movie) together.

Victor doom  one of his robots malfunction attaching you. After distorting the robot. He check for any serious injury. While jade and rick made you favourite meal and setting up you favourite movie.

Jean  you all was careful so you never get hurt

Susan you were helping reed in his lab when something blow up. Your mother packed you up and watch your favourite action movie with you and Bart

Wanda Maximoff  while looking after you cousin she would cook and clean whole star you entertain you.

Maria Hill  your were still healing from HYDRA  attack in Boston. Your mother checks on your wound and cooks for you.  Jenny would help feed you and read to you

rogue you were working in the danger room at the school when you go knock out next thing you know you in the medical bay. Leave you mother you get Logan to go shopping for food supplies while her and berry watch horror movies with you.

Mystique she get you tho stay in bed and rest she get the twins to hard you. While see make your favourite sweets.

human torch your dad was practicing is fire power and burn you by mistake. After your aunt took care of you burns you dad became you personal butler while victor just relax watching the Simpsons with you.

Spider-Man you and you dad we at the library. As you were waiting for him you saw a woman with a baby being held at gun point. You save them but in the process you got shot. After 3 weeks in the hospital Harry would tell you about his story he wrote for the school newspaper and dad would make you meal and make you fave cake.

Tony he was working on one is his suit he did not see you walking down to the lab until you were knock out buy a flying iron suit .wake up with a big with a headache and a couple of Brocken ribs your father got bruce patch you up. He would go buy f/f/f (favourite fast food) tori tell you about her suit your husband help made.

Bruce tony (aka iron butt as you call him) made your dad mad and he hulk out your tried to calm him down. Let just say there is a you shape dint in the wall. You had two Brocken arms and legs. May would fluff your pillows, and keep you company what all of your favourite Disney movie.?until you dad comes in with your food with your daughter feeds you.

Thor  he just took you to the heal.

Vision Your arm was ripped off by one of ultron robots. Your father reattached it but you were in bed rest for 2 months so the twins help by cook you meals, fluffing you pillows and keep you company play board games.

Clint was showing lily a archery trick it mist it target and hit you in the arm. You daughter see you hurt ran into the house getting the frist aid while you dad was trying to spot you wound from bleeding while repeating how sorry he was.

Natasha You were on a mission with your mum. You were shot shielding your mother. Nina made show you did not move from you bed expect for the bathroom, while your mother did all of the house work, cooking and prepare Nina lunch for the next month.

Pietro  He got your aunt to do all of the work while both you and Alex watch the lonny tones with him

Coulson you were still bad hurt when HYDRA kidnapped you. You dad cooked while Penelope keep you company watch Y/c/f (favourite chick flick) together.

Bucky/Steve both of you were playing football with Yu both got tackled hard by both super soldiers fathers earn the both of you a a sore   Back. Steve and Bucky cook f/m (favourite meal) and the kid would bring you and thing you needed and entertained you.

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