The Green Eyed Girl-Prologue

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    Elke sat in her room, the one she shared with Anneke her sister, as the snow fell softly around the house. She wrapped Anneke in a blanket to shield her from the freezing winds that chilled the entire room. The room itself was poorly furnished, nothing but a bed and an empty chair to fill the otherwise vacant space. Elke sighed and stared at the letter she held in her hand. It was crumpled and creased, from the many times she had folded and unfolded it before putting it back into her pocket so no one could see. She glanced over at her sister who had almost fallen asleep, her golden hair splayed gracefully around her pillow. The words in the page she held danced across her mind, until they formed a handwritten blur that pricked at the back of every thought. Outside their little room she could hear her father throwing firewood into the hearth, in a poor effort to keep the place warm. Since her mother died, her father had shut himself indoors, unwilling to go into the outside world- a world that had bestowed upon his wife a sickness that had slowly seeped away all life.

The letter she held in her hand ran as followed:

Dear Elke,

         I am sorry to hear about your loss. How are you and your family coping? Aside from your tragedy, I hope all is well. I am writing to tell you that the Lady of the house in which I work has just given birth to her sixth child. She is, I think, desperate for someone young and fit to look after her growning brood. I spoke to the cook and she said that if you were willing, they could make room for you in the attic. I sleep in the kitchen with the other kitchen maid, but I am told that the attic is very comfortable. I know that your father may not approve of sending his daughter to live in a stranger's home, but I assure you, the de Bloots are most respected here, and Master Pieter de Bloot is an esteemed artist who has been commissioned by Lord Cornelis Berchem himself to paint for him. Oh Elke, you know your father is getting older, and you must, for the sake of your sister, find a way to earn for the family. It must be what your mother would have wanted. Elke, it would be so very nice to see you again. The servants get one day of the week off, and we could go to the markets together. It would be just like old times. Please, tell me if you want the place and I will speak to Mam' about it. I hope you consider this carefully.

With much love,


Elke shut her eyes, and her fingers closed around the little cross she wore around her neck. Her mother had given her that cross on her 16th birthday, two months before she died. A tear escaped from her eyes and she quickly brushed it away, glancing at Anneke to see if she had noticed. Her sister was fast asleep, and her rhythmic breathing soothed Elke’s worried thoughts.

She wanted, more than anything, to leave this place. Her home with its thin walls, cold, empty rooms and echoes of bitter memories brought her nothing but sadness and misery. If there were one reason for her to stay, it would be her sister. But her father did not earn enough to keep all three of them fed and satisfied. If Elke did not go, they would starve. Her father would be adamant. He would not want his daughter leaving him. First her mother, now her; he would be furious. Elke shuddered at the thought. Her fingers trembled, and she reached out to stroke Anneke’s hair.

She would do it. She had to, for the sake of her sanity, and the life of her family. ‘Tomorrow’ she thought. ‘Tomorrow I will ask him. I cannot put it off any longer. God be with me.’ Her lips moved in silent prayer as she once again folded the letter and placed in back into her pocket. Then she closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep, her fingers still clasped tightly around her mother’s cross.


Hi :) 

So basically the chapters will alternate between two characters, Elke and Charlotte. Elke's parts will be written by Priya and Charlotte's by Alicia. Elke's story is set in the 17th Century and Charlotte's in current day. Basically its going to be a "Julie and Julia-esque" story where it alternates between history and current day, thought obviously this story is purely fictionous. (Elke's story is highly influenced by Tracy Chevalier's book 'The Girl with the Pearl Earring', just in case you found this suspiciously similar. There will be quite a few differences, I assure you, as this story progresses.) If however your lives are actually like this, I'd say you're a lucky duck, you shouldn't be reading this and instead be savouring your disgustingly exciting lives. In which case your life is not anything like this story, I suggest you continue reading and we hope enjoy our written imagination :) 

Much Love, 

Alicia and Priya. 

--The next part is Charlotte's story :D

p.s. I know this is under historical fiction but I honestly don't know what category to put it under since we have both historical stuff and current day stuff. If you can think of a way I can split both themes..TELL US :D

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