Fallen from Grace

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"You are late." Sara Meester crossed her arms around her silk covered chest and threw an accusing glare towards her husband who was busy taking of his suit jacket. It had been a busy day at work and Damien Grant was frustrated.

"It is only ten, Sara." he heaved a sigh.

This conversation with his wife was becoming habitual. She'd say the exact same thing every single day and a heavy sigh would be his usual reply.

Ever since the death of his younger brother, Damien  had become the sole heir to all the Grant fortune. Like always, with more wealth comes more responsibility. He hated it. He was just a psycologist not a business man like Logan. Logan, his beloved brother...

"I know that but you promised that you'd be early!"

He mentally rolled his eyes at her clingy words. He detested clingy women. Especially, the insecure, annoying types.

"I was working." he went to the closet of his huge bedroom and searched for something casual to wear.

"I know that too." 

"Then why are you asking?" Exasperated, he spun around to face the woman he was 'supposedly' in love with. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Because I love you!" Sara choked out with visible restraint.

"If you really love me then you wouldn't be standing here giving me a headache!" he yanked his shirt open causing several buttons to scatter all over the expensive marbled floor. "When will you stop pressurizing me?! I've had enough of your bullshit!" He pulled on his favorite lacoste t-shirt and ran a hand through his hair before facing his wife.

"Sara-I'm sorry- "

"I want kids." she cut his apology short with her hushed yet defeaning words. 

The guilt which had forced him to apologize to her now turned into blaring anger. How dare she?!

"I mean..I've been thinking and you are right-we should try for a baby-I mean we aren't getting any younger.." she explained mistakening the silence as a good omen.

But the small flame of hope Sara had, to save their marriage, extinguished once she met her love's bitter eyes. 

"You are using something like that just to bound me to you!" Damien read her mind and felt digust tremble through his body.

Why did he marry someone like her?!

"It's not-not like that.." she blanched with fear.

"Yes, it is! You only care about your bloody work and nothing more! You can never be a good mother! I will not tolerate any unfairness my kids would have to suffer because of you!" his words were seasoned with extra poisonous venom and Sara felt this acidity running through her veins.

"I-" she tried to protest biting back the tears which were threatening to fall from her hazel colored eyes.

"I am going out." he turned around and headed for the large mahogany door. "I'll be late..I am going to check up on Elianna." Damien gave her a brief, cold stare before closing the door behind him.

Sara slid on to the floor as she heard herself sob. She felt herself break into thousands of pieces. Her body trembling with dread.

She had never been subjected to his rage before. Looking at him now, completely affronted, she realized why she never found herself in a situation like this. Why she never made him mad. She had always been the cool, collected business woman with great looks. 

It was not out of choice, of course. Sara Meester was expected to act like that by everyone in the aristrocratic society unlike her dear little sister, Elianna. Sara was forced into studying how to run a business while Elianna was left to do whatever she pleased and whenever she pleased. Even then, the younger Meester heiress was dearly loved and appreciated by everyone. 

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