Glitch - Chapter 24

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It had taken nearly two days of travelling to reach Albion City; the detour to Freya’s old home taking them on a longer route than was necessary. They had abandoned the van a few miles back and walked on foot the remainder of the way.

A sign declared the queue they had joined to be for the ‘North Gate.’ Andie had said to expect a small wait, therefore it wasn’t much of a surprise to encounter a ribbon of people stretching ahead of them.

Albion City and the surrounding towns were the one place in the country where isolated movement was allowed. The city needed the trade of goods and therefore traders were granted a limited access if they held the right documents; more importantly if they held the right friends in the right places. In the early morning the line was short and the people shuffled lethargically towards the single Patroller checking the documentation.

Freya cast her eyes upwards to the large expanse of grey stone stretching out into a wall. It towered above their heads and prevented even a glimpse of the city beyond. A weak ray of first light struggled to break over its edge casting the line in shadows. Freya still wore Mat’s coat and as a breeze rippled through the queue she pulled it higher around her neck to shield her still damp clothes underneath.

The couple in front were granted entry leaving Freya, Mat, Bryn and Andie the next group to pass under the consideration of the Patroller. This man immediately struck her as different from the usual. His frame was far more delicate than the norm for Patrollers and his expressions possessed a higher possibility for intelligence. He didn’t own any of the attributes usually found in abundance amongst Patrollers. The only way to identify him as a figure of authority was the uniform he wore.

“Documentation?” he asked, while extending his arm out to collect any papers they had to offer. He addressed Mat, the tallest male of their group. They had expected that and Mat had been informed of the instructions in preparation for it.

“Glitch.” He spoke so quietly that it could have easily been mistaken for a cough, a clearing of the throat, or some other involuntary impulse of the body. The Patroller was struck with a sudden surprise that he struggled to contain in suppression amongst his features. Freya watched as his eyes fell onto her with a look she could not decipher.

“Elton?” he asked. Freya turned to Andie for guidance as a frown wound onto her expressions. She nodded once to confirm that all was well.

“Yes, I’m Freya Elton.”

The Patroller jolted into action and scrabbled for a door leading directly into the wall.

“This way Miss. Elton,” he directed. Freya took a step forward before pausing to a stop as she realised she had been the only one to do so.

“Alone?” Her question was directed at Andie, but answered by the Patroller.

“This way please.”

She hadn’t the chance to protest. A hand, uncertain of who exactly it belonged to, pressed in the small of her back to guide her forward. Her exhausted mind blindly followed the instruction and she stepped into the shaded corridor before her.

“Count ten doors down. Let yourself in on the tenth. Quickly.” The Patroller gave the instruction in a hurried whisper before closing the door once more; leaving Freya in a shaded corridor. The end of the room was unclear as it curved round out of view. In her immediate view a row of doors were laid out to her right. She stepped carefully, keeping the echo of her footsteps to a minimum as she counted down the doors. Ten. For a moment she hesitated as her hand rested on the handle.

Andie hadn’t explained how they were sneaking into Albion City. She hadn’t explained that Freya would be sent off on her own. She hadn’t explained why they were even there. But her father had loved Andie. That meant she could be trusted without doubt. Besides, Freya had nothing else to trust. She pulled down the latch and stepped into the room containing the silhouette of another Patroller.

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