Adventure begins

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After knowing that she is a magicks user Irene started to train using her powers.It was so hard for her to control her powers but she never gave up even after bringing trouble to Scaleswind (Irene's house was in Scaleswind). Because she wanted to defeat Shadow Lord to bring peace to this world and to end "The War of the Magi" that continued for centuries. After training a while Irene learned how to control her powers and Irene also learned witchcraft.She became a powerful magicks user but not powerful enough to defeat Shadow Lord.

When she fully learned to control her powers Irene decided to travel around the world to help people and to search for powerful people who can help her to bring peace.She told about her plans to her father but he was not happy to hear about this.

~Kyran's POV~

Is she serious about defeating Shadow Lord but she's not powerful enough...She is a great warrior and magicks user but defeating Shadow Lord and ending this war is too much for her.We did everything to stop him for centuries AND she's trying to end "The War Of The Magi"?!?!But there's nothing I can do to stop her.Now I can see how serious she is. I guess it's time to set her free because she's no longer little girl.

"Sweetie look this is dangerous for you to fight against the Shadow Lord.Are you sure that you want to fight against him?"

"Dad I'm old enough to take care of myself and I'm not fighting against him alone.I will bring peace to this world I promise..."

"Promise me that you will come back safe and sound.I'm going to miss you so much..."

"I promise you that I will come back.It might take years but I will come back.*she is hugging her father while crying*

~Irene's POV~

I'm so excited about this.Finally I'm going to travel around the world and make more friends.I have to say my goodbyes to my friends and pack my things.I'm sure that this is going to be interesting I hope...

After packing and saying goodbyes to everyone

Irene's POV

From now on I can not let my guard down because someone might try to steal my powers..

Bye my village,friends and my lovely father I will miss you guys...But I must do this for people I just can't see them suffer.This is not last time I'm seeing my village right?

Whoa this getting interesting isn't it?Anyways I tried to make this as long as I can so Enjoy!


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