"Life is like a road"

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Trying to step on the pedal was more difficult than I thought it was going to be. For one thing, I was too short. I couldn't reach. Piper suggested adjusting the seat so it was closer. I did so, though, I was still a few centimeters short from laying a toe on the pedal. If I sunk more down to reach it, I wouldn't even be able to look up at the road in front of me. I was worried if I did end up driving blindly, then, I would hit something. I could at least see what was above me, like the electricity poles and a water tower. The sky beyond them was a perfect blue with fluffy, white clouds that reminded me of cotton candy. I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out before trying again.

I felt for the pedal, trying to keep my vision of the paved road and tiny shrubs in sight. It wasn't until the car started proceeding forward that I knew I had succeeded. Piper stayed silent and let me try to figure it out for myself. Startled by the sudden force of the car, I took my foot off of the gas. I turned to Piper and she hadn't kept her eyes off of me. Then, she said something I'd carry and hold onto for the rest of my life. "Keep your eyes on the road, Dipper." She wore a serious face. "Don't look back at the road behind you. Always look forward to the road ahead of you."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Life, Dipper. Life is like a road. Sure, you have your bumps and potholes in it, but, you can always keep driving and moving forward. Don't let anything get the best of you. Keep your eyes on the road and don't look back. Don't look through your rear view mirror." She breathed a laugh and a smile had bloomed on her face. She looked out into the scenery in front of us, through the windshield. "Because those people behind you - they're just trying to get to their destination, too. And who knows what you'll experience along the way. Maybe, you'll find a red light. Maybe you'll find that light to be green. Or maybe, you'll find that light to be yellow, warning you to slow down and take things easy."

I snickered. "When did you get all poetic on me?"

"Well, hey, it's true!" She said, chuckling. "But, in the end, the most important part about that road...is the driver. The driver is the one who makes the decisions and which turns to take. Some turns are better than others, y'know? Now, go ahead. Hit the gas, again. But, this time, really hit it."

So, I did. Surprisingly, I was able to keep my foot on the gas and see the road ahead of me. It was like I had finally awoken because of Piper's motivational words. She gave me the hope to keep driving - to carry on. I stepped on the gas, while Piper let out a victory howl.

The sun was beginning to set along the flat surface of the ground and I could see the moon on the other side of where the sun set. It was a crescent, eagerly wanting to take up the descending night sky. The summer air blew swiftly in my face as I rested my chin on my arm, laying my head out the open passenger's seat window. Piper had shown me a wild ride that day - literally. It wasn't until I was done having my fun that I let her take the wheel, again. Then, a single thought reached my mind and disappeared.

If only Mabel could see me, now.

I realized how lucky I was that I found Piper. I had found a friend - a friend that will help guide the way for me. She was a friend that I knew was actually ready to take on the end-of-the-world with me. Though, I have found Piper, I will never forget Mabel.

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