The unknown

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It's been weeks since Mabel and I came to the Mystery Shack, yet I still have my suspicions about Ford and his brother, Stanley - although, he prefers to go by "Stan". I try my best to stay away from them, but my sister has no trouble making herself at home. She would spend every minute with them, talking about the times before the apocalypse. With all the time left in the world to spare, Ford and Stan would listen. When the two old men would sit side by side, they were complete parallels. I remember when Mabel asked them, too.

"Are you guys twins?"

Stan and Ford exchanged amused faces and gave out a small laugh. Mabel was right, though. They were twins, it turns out. Though, they might have been twins physically, they were definitely not twins mentally. In fact, they were very different after watching their actions and hearing them talk individually.

I soon picked up that Ford was the one who knew the most about how the virus affects its host and almost always carried his shotgun around as if it was his own child. He never let go of it. Maybe he was worried that if he did, a zombie would bust through the door at that moment, when he needed it. Ford was the 'smart' brother, if you will. His vocabulary was strong and he used words that made him sound, well, like a genius. I guess he thinks he's conceited or something. He and Stan never got along, really. It was mostly because Ford never knew how to shut up and not act so wise.

As for Stan, he had my sister's humor in a way. He looked after us, even if I didn't appreciate it. To be honest, I wish I found a different shack in the woods, one with no one in it. I wish Stan and Ford didn't fight in the middle of the night, even if it is about the most ridiculous thing like keeping watch for zombies.

The first night I came here was the first time I ever heard them argue. Their loud mumbling voices woke me. Mabel - lucky for her - was fast asleep in the separate bed across from me. Feeling awkward to eavesdrop on two strangers, I kept my footsteps silent to not make the floor creak under my feet. To my surprise, the floor held my weight with no sudden noises. As I got closer, the voices got more clearer.

"Stanley, we don't have the luxury for two children in the shack! We hardly have enough food!" From behind the staircase, I heaved in with heavy, yet silent, breaths, afraid that if I breathed too loudly they would spot me.

"No! I'm not letting those kids leave! They don't deserve to be tossed back out there!" He paused, as if to think before continuing. "I'd stop eating if it means they get to have a proper meal for once!"

My head dropped and my eyes fell to my feet. That's when Ford struck back. "You just met them! I don't care how they got here or made it this far, I want them out!"


"They can stay for the night, but that's it! By tomorrow morning, I want them gone."

Stan shook his head with anger. He cared to disagree. "Why do you have to be so heartless? They're staying here and that's it!"

"Look. I know as much as you wish for them to stay with us, I feel I just can't trust them."

"What are you saying?" I heard Stan's heartbroken voice ask. "They're just kids." 

"I don't trust them!" Ford repeated. "Did you even notice the girl's clothes? I believe they must have more to their story than just wandering in the woods and happening upon the shack." Stan bowed his head to stare at the wooden floor. I think he was maybe accepting the possibility that Ford was right. "Stanley," He began again a sincere tone. "I think that girl is infected."

At that second, I felt my heart throb with adrenaline. I took a step back, which I realized was a rookie mistake. I tripped and went soaring backwards, making me gasp. I took down a bucket and a broom on the way as well, causing more commotion. Peeking my head halfway through to see downstairs, I discovered two pairs of wide eyes staring at me. All I could do was be humored by their similarly stunned expressions. With a shaky laugh, I added a shy smile and small wave.

"What are you doing awake?" Stan asked casually.

"Uh, I..." Stuttering to find an excuse - I bet they were onto me even before I began talking. As if tumbling over a bucket and broom was enough to give them the hint that I was eavesdropping. "I just wanted some water." Which I wasn't wrong actually. My tongue was so dried up that it had gotten to the point where I thought it was so brittle, it would break off into pieces. "Does your sink still work?" I asked.

As Stan rushed to my aid and got me a glass of water, Ford remained glued to the floor where he stood. To keep myself busy and not make eye contact with his glare, I folded my hands, rested them on my stomach, and tapped my thumbs together. "You heard everything, didn't you?" He said in a mumble.

"W-what?" I lamely began. "I just... didn't hear anything, really. I was just...thirsty." The baffled look on his face made my skin crawl and sweat escape. He could probably tell I was babbling. If he did, however, he definitely didn't question me again.

Stan met me at the top of the stairs and handed me my cup. After that, he followed me to the attic. Mabel was still tucked in, sleeping on her right side and facing the side of my bed. After giving me a "goodnight" and ruffling my hair, Stan approached my sister. I watched with a careful eye. He rested his hand on the edge of her mattress, staring down at her. Mabel's bandaged arm was not tucked in with the rest of her body and I almost panicked. Though I know I can't help it, Mabel didn't hide it.

Stan let out a saddened sigh and I knew he felt sympathy for my sister. But how could he? Despite the fact he only just met us and now has a sudden caring and love for us. I've never seen this stranger before in my life, yet he still treated us as if he were his own family.

"You know, don't you?" I asked, though I knew it was quite obvious that Stan got the realization. He knew that Mabel was infected, but didn't care. He still wanted us to stay.

"Of course I do. But, that's not gonna change anything." He muttered. Then, he shook his head and turned away to the door. "Goodnight, kiddo."

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