port Angeles.

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I was sitting outside with Jessica and Angela. The Cullen's weren't here. We were going to port Angeles so they can look for dresses. While I get this book. Called the cold ones. "Hey can I come I wanna get this book." "Yeah duh I need your opinion" Angela said and we laughed. Then we left. I dropped my car off at my house and we all went in Jessica's car.

We were all in this dress shop and I was sitting down. They were looking into the mirrors, some guys knocked on the windows "that's disgusting" Jessica said. "Hey Im going to this book store I'll meet you guys at the restaurant okay." I told them as I stood up and grabbed my bag.

I walked out of the book store and was walking to the restaurant when I saw the same guys from eariler. I turned around and walked the other way "hey baby, where you going." They kept coming from all different directions. When I was walking in an empty parking lot they all crowded around me "hwy baby, we can show you a good time." One guy said and put his hand on my arm, "don't touch me" "ohhhh I'm scared" the guy said then I saw car lights and a silver car driving really fast over to me and then the one and only Bella Cullen came put and stared at them with this look in her eyes that she was ready to kill if they did anything "get in the car" she said walking up to them with an angry face. "Oh look its-" the guy started to say and he stopped because of the look on Bella's face as I got in the front seat of her car. Then she got in and drove away really fast. "Try to distract me so I won't turn around and rip those guys heads off." "Why you have me" "you don't know the repolsve things they were thinking" she says "and you do" I said "put your seat belt on" I say again "you put your seat belt on" she says laughing "okay I'm warm now" I say reaching to the air thing when her hand touched mine and it was ice cold "your so cold" I said as she pulled her hand away.

We walked up to the restaurant and I see Angela and Jessica waking out. "Oh hey we were waiting for you but we got hungry. You coming?" "I'm sorry but I beeter make sure Laney eats something so I'll take her home after." Bella said politely. They looked shocked but nodded and left.

Me and Bella were in the restaurant and this lady came up to us again "are you sure I can't get you anything?" She asked Bella and she shook her head so the waitress left. Then she started to talk about what the people at the restaurant were thinking because the look on their faces.

She drove me home and I turned to her and said "thanks Bella" she smiled "no problem. Oh yeah, would u maybe want to come to my house tomorrow?" She asked "yeah sure. What time?" "3:30" she says and school ends at 3:00 so I will have 30 mintues to get ready again and freshen up.

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