death is easy, peaceful, life is harder.

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When I woke up I was in new clothes and It was night time,Alice and jasper were sitting on the couch. "So this James dude is not gonna stop till he gets us" Alice nodded and I panicked, breathing hard but then I felt a wave of relaxation wash over me, I know it was jasper with the mind control. I smiled at him as a thank you and he nodded.then it seemed at if Alice was having a vision, "get me a paper and pencil" she said, jasper handed it to her, she quickly drew so fast I couldn't see her arm. When she was finished it looked like my old ballet studio "I know that place, that's my old ballet studio." I said. Some time passed, jasper and Alice went downstairs to the lobby to go talk to some people, that was when my phone went off so I answered it"hello" "Laney!! Laney!!" "Mom I'm right here." "Are you okay, help" before I could respond I heard a voice, "come on Laney come help her." I heard the voice of James say "don't touch her" I said " I won't but all you have to do is come to your old ballet studio and she will be fine." "Okay im coming" I hung up and snuck out of the room and out of the hotel. I got a cab and told him where to go, when I got out i payed. We walked in and heard "Lacey, Lacey!!!!" "Mom" i screamed and ran over and opened to doors to see a video of me when i was really little and telling mom how much I suck at dancing. I heard laughing i turned around and looked in every mirror and saw James. "That's my favorite part," he said laughing. "You were a stubborn kid werent you" he said touching my face and pushing me up against the door. "She's not even here" I said. "Sorry but you made it to easy, so to make it more entertaining were going to video our fun time together. Do you mind I borrowed this from your house, you don't mind, and action. This will break little Bella's heart" he said turning the camera to me . "Bella has nothing to do with this" I said pushing him,just to be pushed back against the wall. He said some more stuff then said "now let's continue" I felt my pocket and I had my bottle of paper spray and sprayed it at his face and then I ran, when he jumped in front of me, grabbed my neck and flung me to the side and my head hit the edge of something making me a little bit dizzy and felt the back of my head, checked my hand and saw blood. Making him come over by me laughing "very visually dynamic, I chose my stage well." He grabbed my hand with the blood on it and smelled it, "its too bad that she never had the strength to turn you.instead they kept you this fragile little human. Its cruel really" he said then grabbed my leg breaking it making me scream out in pain. "Tell her how much it hurts. Tell her to avenge you." "No bella, don't" , I said in pain. "Tell them." He screamed at me. Then he was knocked off of me, I saw it was Bella I covered my bloody hand by my mouth.. She looked at me and smelled my blood,she lost focus on what she was doing and James crashed into her, pushing her into the window. "Your alone, that's cause ur faster than the others," then he smashed Bella's head into a mirror, "I'm strong enough to kill you" she said and kicked in the stomach and ran over to me, she picked me up and James grabbed her ankle and made her drop me, I landed on some more glass and some got caught in my thigh. Bella crashed into a window. I pulled out the glass and saw James come by me and grabs my wrist, looked at bella and bit into my wrist making me scream. Bella pushed him back tearing up the floor in the process pushed James into the window and tore off some off his neck. She went at him again when Carlisle stopped her and said "stop remember who you are." I was too busy screaming because it felt like my body was on fire. Bella and Alice came over to me while jasper and Emmet were holding down James. Alice had my blood on her fingers, smelled them and said "Carlisle the blood." Then he ran over to me and made Alice go with Emmett and jasper and tore his head off while I was screaming "we can't let her change" I heard Bella say. "Then you have to suck the venom out of her and hurry up" I was still squirming to see this but someone grabbed my wrist and said "I'll make it go away Laney, shhhhh" Bella was the one who said that then put my wrist in her mouth. She started sucking out the venom and I felt as of the fire was slowly burning out. "Okay Bella, that's enough your going to kill her, bella" I heard Carlisle say. Then she stopped and I passed out. Death is easy, peaceful, life's harder. "Laney" I heard when I woke up to a beeping sound, I opened my eyes and was blinded by the light. "Hey baby" I heard "dad " I said "hey" he said "where is she, where's bella." "She's asleep," he turned and I looked and saw Bella, laying down pretending to be asleep "she hasn't left,Claire is in the cafeteria." "What happened" I asked "well when you fell you broke your leg, and you lost a lot of don't remember any of this do you." "No" I said. "Well Bella and her dad came down do get you to come back to forks. When you were at their hotel you tripped down two flights of stairs and fell through a window" he said then it all came back to me. "Yeah that sounds like me." I said and he laughed "oh hunny I'm so sorry." he said then her phone rung and he pulled it out and started texting "its Paula , she is so worried about, you I told him to stay in florida" he said "your texting" I said "yeah finally, oh hunny you are going to love Jacksonville, its sunny everyday. And we found the nicest little house, and you have your own bathroom." "Wait dad I still wanna live in forks." I said "what" he said "I wanna live in forks " he nodded "we'll talk about it okay" "can you go get mom for me I have to talk to her and apologize to her." "Yeah baby I'll be right back" he left. Bella got up "so what happened where's James?" "We took care of it, and the women Victoria she ran off." "I'm alive because of you." I said "no your in here because of me. the worst part about it was that i didn't know how to stop." " she did stop." I said "Laney you gotta go to Jacksonville. So I can't hurt u anymore." She said "what, are you ser- ,no,no, how, I don't even know what your saying, how could, what are you talking about you want me to go away, I can't,no ,I can't just leave you." "I know" she said "we can't be apart, you can't leave me" I said "I'm here" she said holding on to my hand, I looked at her with tears in my eyes "okay just don't, you can't say that stuff to me, ever" I said crying, she got up and kissed my forehead, "where else am I going to go" she said as she kissed me.

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