Cirque des freaks (We're freaks like you)

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Cirque des freaks –Chapter One, We’re freaks like you

Both Mea and I loitered around the circus grounds, playing childishly. She’d concentrate, and go invisible, making hide and go seek impossible. Though I played unfairly too, by departing from land to air, during a tag game –but we weren’t going home anytime soon. Because there was one simple and plain reason is, want to know why?

What home, there simply was no home for us. Mea and I had each other, and were orphans from the ages of ten, as cliché it may sound. It was like our minds were wiped from what happened since then –alas one day we were adopted and earned ourselves a last name . . . but because Mea and I had arrived together, we would leave together.

Both of us ran from our homes, and found each other here, at the show grounds. We’d lived under the stars since then to nine whole years.  School had been hell; we’d gotten in under everything fake, names, parents, mainly the whole shebang. And with the teasing on how quiet and shy we were . . . it was monstrous.

Mea had her gothic stage, while I had my nerdish one. It didn’t help with the teasing, at all. Our crushes thought we were freaks, hell we thought we were freaks. We still do.

“Mea, do you think there’s someone out there for us?” I asked. Both Mea and I were sprawled out in the middle of the field, looking at the darkening sky, as it started to dot with shining orbs of light.

She shifted beside me, and leaned up on one elbow, looking at me –searching for something in my eyes. Sighing she laid back down and rested her hand on my own.

“I don’t know, Sera,” She replied, “I really don’t, but whoever picks you, and whoever you pick. Will be damn lucky to have such a person, like you. . .”

“Likewise, they’d be damn lucky.” I chuckled lightly and squeezed Mea’s hand; she returned it as we just stared up at the night claiming sky. I wish I could go to such altitudes and just pluck one of them off, sometimes. Maybe to get away from the drama life brings, or maybe to find some. . .  

Mea’s soft breathing turned deep, as she began to sleep. I slipped my hand from hers and with ease lifted her up –I thought of whoever abandoned me and Mea, to spur my anger. With grace my wings tore through the handmade slits in my leather jacket and spread out. They looked like dragonfly wings; it was my only description on them.

Holding up the light Mea firmly, I flew her to our oak and placed her on a browning grass patch. Looking up I pulled the sleeping bag from the lowest branch and unzipped it, before placing it over her lightly shivering body.

Lastly I rose from the ground and perched myself in the second highest tree branch, above her. I looked around the scenery and waited patiently, the Cirque des freak would shortly arrive. And I was right; soon bulbs of yellowing light flashed through the thicket of thin forest surround the grounds.

The roars of motors weren’t loud enough the wake Mea, the heavy sleeper. Though they stirred the surrounding wildlife, I could hear scurries and chirps of the birds and smaller land animals rush off, away from the light and noise.

Soon heavy trucks drove through the opened entrance of the brush. Dull pinks, yellows and blues framed the colours on their vehicles, cages were loaded onto the back of some, and cars had hooked on trailers and caravans. But one in particular car stood out of all the rest. The sleek black shone in the brightening moon, the cars and trucks rumbled to a stop –and they began to slink out of them.

Colours, shapes and uniquely coloured eyed members stepped from their machinery. Some assessed the grounds, by sniffing, scouting or by listening. Others checked the caged animals, and their equipment.

The sleek black back door opened, the tall and broad man stepped out. Clean shaven, golden haired and olive skinned he waltzed to a trailer in front of his own car –I could hear the knock, even over the chattering of the folk.

The door opened to reveal a young woman, with hair of black silk and eyes of the most unusual blue she gazed across the man and smiled. A small peck was placed upon his lips, and he was invited inside, the door closed firmly as the gathered inside.

I looked down at Mea and contemplated on asking the Cirque in the morning to join. Though I only managed a scowl as a sniffing woman gathered closer to our tree –she saw Mea and looked intrigued. Closer she walked, until I decided I didn’t want to know what she’d do to my friend.

Jumping from the tree I landed with a thud, my wings quickly sheathed into my skin and my stance was quickly changed into a defensive pose. The woman wore nothing but a cotton gown and black leggings, her fiery hair was tiredly placed into a sloppy up-do, but her green eyes looked at me with alarm.

“Who are you?!” She yelped. Mea stirred behind me, but didn’t wake –she always knew how to sleep through something, when I needed her.

“I’m Sera, and this is my friend Mea,” I spoke calmly; “We don’t mean harm, just to speak with your manager.” The woman seemed taken aback with my boldness and nodded. She looked at Mea behind me, her eyes held something soft inside.

“I’ll get Leonardo,” She said softly, still gazing at the sleeping Mea, “Wait here.”

I watched as she walked towards the trailer, the suited man had walked into. She knocked and stepped back, the man, Leonardo I presumed looked ruffled, his hair was un-slicked as before seen, more bedridden almost.

They talked inanimately; every now and then they’d gaze over in my direction. My arms crossed over my chest on instinct, as if I felt I was being judged. But soon Leonardo reluctantly nodded and stepped from the silver and pink trailer, a cane was firmly held in his right hand, as he walked over here with the woman who’d found us.

 “Ah so lovely to see fresh faces,” He grinned mischievously, “How may I be of assistance, Miss?”

“It’s Sera, Mr. Leonardo.”

“Please just Leo, no need to be so formal.” He replied grinning more widely, if that were possible.

“Okay, Mister . . . I mean Leo,” I cleared my throat and stared at the man confidently, “My friend, Mea and I had seen your flyer, and like to join the Cirque des freaks.”

The man replied with a hefty rumble of laughter, this seemed to pull Mea from her sleep. She woke and jumped from the ground, the blanket tumbled down revealing her crinkled sport shorts and tank top.

“Sera, what’s –who are they?” Mea asked alarmed. I motioned her forward and patted her back in reassurance.

“Mea this is Leonardo,” He cleared his throat, “I mean Leo, and. . .”

“Astra Gordon is the name.” The woman smiled sweetly at Mea, the Mea who smiled right back, with the same intensity.

“They are from the Cirque.” At the name she bounced back to reality and squealed.

“Oh sheesh, I’m so excited to meet you both,” Mea chortled, “So have you asked them?” She added, directly at me.

I nodded my head, “I was waiting for an answer.”

“Ah but why such a request?” Leo asked smoothly.

. . .

Mea and I looked at each other before back at the man and woman. Before sighing in sync, I rested my hand on Mea’s shoulder and took it a deep breath.

“We’re just freaks, like you.” And with that I unsheathed my wings, and Mea disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2011 ⏰

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