Stop now... go back

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Hello! I'm just kinda gonna jump into the story. Not much you really need to know. It should explain its self eventually. If I actually can write lol.


It was life as usual on the surface. You were hanging out at Sans And Papyrus's house making spaghetti with the skelebros. (Like always) Its been almost a year since everyone was freed from the underground and tomorrow is the one year anniversary! And the anniversary of Sans and yours dating. To celebrate you prepared a gigantic feast and set up a grand party hosted by non other than the fabulous Mettaton! "Sans, do you know where I put the noodles!?" You said as you reached and felt around the top cabinet. You were only a little smaller than Sans and boy, was that saying something. (Lol sorry if your tall.) "Woah!?" Suddenly Papyrus had you raised in his arms so you could reach the pasta noodles. "Hehe Thanks paps!" He smiles and sets you down. "YOU ARE EVER SO WELCOME HUMAN!" You giggle, throwing the noodles in the pot. "THIS SHALL BE THE BEST SPAGHETTI I'VE EVER MADE! OF COURSE WITH THE HELP OF YOU AND SA- ... SANS? " A loud snooring is heard from down the hall. Should have known he'd be slacking of on this. "I'll go get him. Lazybones" you said in a light hearted manner. "INDEED HE IS!" You take a deep breath and head down the hallway, no telling what's in Sans's room.

Knock knock "Sans?" No response, only faint sounds of... talking? You knocked again. Knock knock. "Sans if you don't answer the door i'm coming in." Seems he didn't here you. 'Well, curiosity killed the cat' you thought and cracked the door just enough to see Sans.
[Dialogue from inside the room]

"Leave us alone! I won't do it!"
Faint whispers of the other speaker.
Sans eye was flaming in a furious blaze... that brings back memories you'd like to forget. "I SAID NO!"
Faint whisper, "seems you have a visitor." Sans stops his shouting and quickly looks over at the door. 'Shit' you mentally cursed and fled from his door, almost flying down the hallway. You take a breather at the top of the short staircase. "That, was waaaay to close." You said to no one in particular. Suddenly two boney arms wrapped around your torso causing you to let out a small yelp. "How much did you hear?" He said in a serious tone, unusual for Sans. It was sort of... frightening."W-what do you mean?" You said, attempting to lie... Seems like he's bought it, for now. "I saw you standing there, but that was all. Did i wake you up?" You said. He sighs in what you assume was relief. (Or stress?) "No, kid, your fine." He trails off and pulls you closer to him. Your face starts to heat up when you notice the position you're in. He chuckles into your neck sending shivers down your spine. "Let's go help Paps, okay? Hes probably worried." He says then walks into the kitchen leaving you to your thoughts. "Sans you stupid skeleton." You exhaled and wiped the fading blush away. Your mind ran wild about the events that just happened with Sans. Who the hell was in his room earlier?! Sadly you didn't have time to focus on this right now. You still had a party to set up. Which I might add was already enough stress on your shoulders. Eventually you let the thoughts completely slip your mind and continue on with today's work.
Holy hell! A little over 600 words, like this is the most I've wrote in a while! Also its really late and I need sleep so imma end it here. The next chapter should be more interesting than this. So yeah, Byyyyyye!~♪~

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