Part 2: Change of Plan

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Cash Rimmins P.O.V.

"Baby ... do you really love me?"

"Zy, stop."

"So, that's a no. After I gave you all of me," she sniff her nose beginning to cry. I hate when women cry, but I'm not baby her like she want.

"You always give it up," I told her smirking.  "Get dress, I gotta go somewhere."

"This late at night. You don't want me to stay just say it."

"I don't want you in my crib while I'm get dressed."

This bout the same routine every time she come here.

"Don't call, text, bump me in the hall, or nothing. Can't stand you," she hurried and grabbed her stuff, held her shoes in her hand, and stuck her finger at me on her way out.

I fake like I was hurt and she rolled her eyes at me and left.

I soon heard the front door slammed, letting her angry out on my door.

"Don't slam my damn door no more," I yelled.

Being the petty person she is, she came back and opened my door slamming it again.

I blew threw my nose.

"You forgot something," I said then threw her panties down the hall. People was walking by snickering, her face was bright red as she ran and picked them up, I laughed then locked my door.

I took a quick shower wiping the sex off of me.


I walked out my small condo and started walking. Every since my mom died 2 years ago in a car accident... I was 15, I've been on my on. My dad died when I was just a baby due to cancer.

Me and moms was already struggling as it is ... and me with the lil mowing people yards wasn't helping her either. After she died, no one was there and I had to let them cremated my mother due to no insurance, I was heartbroken.

I've been on the corner every since, making that fast cash people play the lotto for.

Can't let my moms see me struggling even if this ain't what she won't me doing. She always told me, "hustling was just a fast way for black men to end his life." So I never turned to the streets. But now... it was all I knew... and I know imma make it big out here.

she betta be glad I'm still going to school, I smirked to myself.


I walked in my English class, I missed two hours of school. I didn't even make it home until 3 in the morning.

"Where my desk at?" I rubbed my eyes, still sleepy.

I would've stayed at home, but I could've sworn I seen something standing in my room then disappeared. I hurried and got out that hoe ass condo.

"Goodmorning to you too Mr. Rimmings. Where's your slip?"

"Your just getting to school". I nodded.

She shook her head, Ms.Sax was always looking out for me, she knew my mom. Probably why she partner me with the preachers daughter.

Angel and Demon.

"Well find your partner, the class are working on their project for now... that will by your assign seat," she smiled.

I scanned the room Zy bitter ass rolled her eyes at me.

I laughed. I search my book sack for the packet she handed us, Angel Anderson.

I walked to the back of class, she sat with her legs cross and her hand pressed against her cheek.

I thought she was gonna look up at me or something.

"Sorry for you to work on this alone." I apologize, being polite.

I might can get some booty... never know.

"Oh... it okay."

I sat down on side of her only for her to slickly move her chair over, I laughed.

"Umm ... Ms. Sax wanted us to come to a conclusion about where we are going to be at after school to work on our project," she spoke after about five minutes of silence.

"We're really gonna be asking question about each other."

"Well that's what she told us to do... I don't mind."

"I just thought we was gone make up some shit about each other."

"That would be lying, I don't like lying," she put her hand over her chest ... dramatic.

"You sho' this not a reason for you to talked to me," I smirked.

She turned her head, as I seen the faint redness of her face.

"We can meet at the town Library."

"A library... what if we want to eat or get comfortable we can't do that at a library ... right."

"I think my place."

"Oh I'm not allowed at boys house... I'll have to ask my parents if we could at my house."

I nodded silently putting my head down... some reason I have a headache.

"You're very disrespectful."

I was a little taken back. The bell rung before I can reply to her.

She got her stuff and left quickly

She got a big booty.


"Aye man, nigga told us to hit up this club Friday," my boy Snoop said.

We sat at our table for lunch, I hate this nasty ass cafeteria food.

Nothing like my moms.

"Naw, he told you," I said.

"Yo ass coming with me, you know he want you to come."

"Talk about it after school."

Too many ears, made my nerves bad.

"Iight, bet."

Boss man getting on my damn nerves be doing this shit on purpose, I think that nigga be testing my anger.

I saw ole girl walk in with a lil fly chick on the side. I was always raised to respect women and for her to say I'm "disrespectful" was messing with me.

"Yo, who you scooping," Itchy bugged ... that dude so nozy.

Ion know why everybody at this school look at us with fear, damn only thing we do is sell and shoot a couple lil heads off.

"Awe son... I forgot you gotta come  with me Friday anyway."

"I made some plans with a lil bruad," he smirked. " I was picking her and ha lil friend up and go to the movies, but ian the type of nigga for all that so we gone go to the club."

"Boy I tell ya... we supposed to be working."

"I think something happening and shit man... gotta test the water."

"Iight ... some shit go down, hold her down."

"That's a promise." We dapped off.


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