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You've been James's girlfriend for 5 months and you already feel like he's bored of you because you've noticed that he's on his phone a lot mor and is very quite.

" James?" You said shaking slightly. He looked up from his phone looking at you.

" what?" He said bluntly.

" why you doing this!?" You said nearly crying. You looked at him as he stood up and rolled his eyes

" doing what?" He bite at you, you looked own as a tear riled down your face

" this" you said softly, you felt a pair of arms snake around you whilst you cried, you knew it was James! You was in no mood to hug him now, you pushed him away from you and looked at him ready to blow

" your a arsehole James!" You screamed at him

" I'm an arsehole? I'm not the one acting like a bitch!" He shouted back you looked at him as tears fell he knew that you hated it when people call you a bitch and because it come from James it hurt 10 times more!

" don't call me! Text me! Or talk to me James! I loved you! You stopped loving me didn't you! You don't love me!" You cried, you grabbed you phone and you coat put you shoes on and headed to the door.

" I do love you! I love you more then anything your just blind! So leave if you want! You wouldn't dare!" He shouted. You stopped at the door opening it walking out then slamming the door shut... You walked down the drive way crying then all of a sudden you felt to arms around you again

" James get off me!" You said crying

" no I'm sorry I'm going through a hard time! I do love you please stay!" He begged you whilst you kicked your legs

" hard time?" You calmed yourself before saying it, James put you down so you could now face him

" yeah I just found out that that my best friend died the other night I knew he was ill but no one expected him to die, I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you to worry and I've just been in a bad mood since, I'm sorry" he said to you you could feel your self tearing up you wrapped you arms around him hugging him tightly

" I love you"

natnoodles11a therrrrreeeee yaaaa gooooooo

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