Brad buys you a dog

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(Your pov)

It's been 3 months since I've seen Brad! He's been on tour and well... Not been able to text me or call me! It was a Sunday and  that means lazy day so Brad said he will come round to see me! I told him I'd come to him but he said he had a big surprise for me so I better stay home.

" brads coming round!" I told mum and mum just nodded smiling...

" have you missed him?" She asked me, I looked down getting butterflies at the thought of seeing him

" so much it's unweal!" I said how Brad would say it, I sat on the sofa just waiting then the door bell rang! I jumped out of my seat and ran to the door... As soon a I opened it I saw my bear! He was stood there in grey joggers his hair was messy and he had a white top on! I jumped into his arms hugging him tightly.

" babe!" He said hugging me

" I've missed you!" I said hugging him still, I looked deeply into his eyes pecking his lip with mine softly.

" I've missed you too!" He said kissing me. He put me back on the floor but held my hand, I pulled him into the house and dragged him to mum

" he's home!" I said not letting go of him

" hello Bradley!" Mum hugged him, I watched as she hugged him and he hugged back. Just waiting to take him upstairs but now there in a deep convo

" I got you something babe" Brad said putting his attention on me, I smiled and shook my head

" you didn't have to Brad..." I said, having him was good enough

" you will love it!" He said dragging me to the steps, he dragged me up the stairs and stopped outside my bedroom door...

" Brad?" I said confused, he hushed me pushing the door open, there was a biggish box in the centre of my room, I looked at it as it was wrapped up neatly. I sat next to it looking at it.

" open it" he whispers. I look back and saw my mum and dad filming... This has to be a good thing if there filming, I pulled the top of the box open and saw a puppy at the bottom that was fast a sleep, I put my hand to my mouth looking at Brad, I ran into his arms in tears soon running back to the puppy as I picked it up out of the box it opened its eyes and it's eyes where a beautiful sky blue colour, I could tell exactly what breed of dog it was it was a fluffy husky! And it's a boy!

" what you calling it then?" Mum asked me

" I bet I know! You've always wanted a blue eyed fluffy husky boy called wolf... So at a guess he's called wolf?" Brad said winking at me. I wiped a tear away nodding.

" and we got you this!" James said walking out of my walk in closet with tris and con following, with all the stuff I need for wolf so I don't have to go out and get it! These guys are the best people I know

And Brad is everything I could have wished for.

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