shedevil secretary

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No time for hesitation. The door was opened and the two devils came rushing at us.

I say devils because that's what they seemed to be. I was unnerved that the female one seemed to say 'them' .

Mike took a full on swing, swoosh ! The bosses head splattered on impact covering the walls in a thick bloody muck.
The secretary seemingly outraged came charging at Mike tackaling him side on . Mouth wide . Teeth bared In a frozen grin.

Mike fell hard on the floor his makeshift stake flinging under a desk.

Teeth continued to try and bite Mike. He mite of gotten bitten. If it wasn't for Tina who came jumping out from behind me.

Both hands gripping her stake she raised it high in a stabbing motion towards the shedevils head straight threw the back of her head
right into her skull.

Go Tina!

Tina moaned abit pushing the zombie aside and helping Mike up.

"Bout time darl, bit to close for my liking" he winced as he stood up Tina wrapping her arm around his waist for support.

" You been bit,hun"
"Nope think I've gone and done something to my ankle " He lifted his pants leg to reveal a nasty looking swollen lump of a ankle.
"God damn ! This is gona slow me down abit,pass that there stake girl" He sat on the chair using the desk to prop up his leg .

He ripped his shirt at the bottom and used it to wrap the stake round his injury pulling tight he gave a little moan.

"k let's go" He stood and using a umbrella he found by one of the desk, to hold his weight off his damaged leg he limped towards the door.

I was suddenly feeling not confident and pretty worried about Mike. He would indeed slow us down.

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