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Diane..an interesting name I thought. But what a sight her short bright blonde hair seemed to frame her pale face her eyes a dull hazel.. She gave a soft smile to the class, the immediate judgement seems to flood over her,as she slouches and is helped to her desk. During the entire class period I just seem to stare at her as her stare is fixated on the blackboard where the teacher is lecturing us.

We are now handed our homework for the day I haven't paid attention at all ..so I have no idea what this is all about. But I just grab my vomit colored backpack stuff it in there without a care and quickly make my way to the door. But I'm stopped I feel a hand grab my arm I turn around to see Diane holding onto my sleeve.

"You're Grace right? ..can you help me around the school "

I'm confused on how she knows my name but I shrug it off. "Um sure where are you going to next" I say nonchalantly slowly pulling her hand off of me.

"I uh think I'm going to bio next with Mr.Hestin in room 2206 "

I smile abit as she seems abit shy. "Well your in luck that's where I'm going...but why did u know all of that " I'm amazed how she could just say that off the top of her head.

"Oh I memorized it at home...I just don't know how to get there "
"Well that's impressive but we should get there before we're late" she nods and we walk there together she follows abit behind me I then start to go up the stairs when I hear a "Ouch!" behind me I turn to to see Diane has fallen on her face. "Are you okay" I asked worried and then saying "Can't you see " I say jokingly trying to lighten the mood. Just to see her starting to tear up.

"N-no I can't "

She cries in front of me. My eyes widen abit "...your blind" I sweep her hair out of her face seeing she's crying with her eyes open and seeing her once dull hazel eyes brighten from her tears. "I'm sorry..you know what how about we just take a pass from school today " she slowly nods.

"I'm sorry.."

She sniffles out ..I frown "why?" ..she reaches for and finds my hand grasping it in hers. I feel my heart skip a beat.

"For being such a burden"

I just smile "it's fine" We walk out of the school and go to a close cafe. She wanted to go because of all the sweet smelling pasteries and coffee. I'm very nervous of all the people around I start to shake my leg and she seems to sense it.

"You're anxious...why?"

I look up at her wondering how she knew that I mean she can't see me.. "No...I'm not" Her eyebrows furry abit

"Grace although I can't see I can feel and I know that you are and if it's because all of these people...don't worry about them just worry about having a good time "

I smile abit and she holds my hand again..."thanks." I say looking at her as I blush lightly she responds smiling as well.

"No problem"

We seem to hang out for hours just talking and laughing getting to know each other more and more. But like all days this one was fastly coming to an end. Her phone rang in her pocket she answered it and it was her mother. She signals me to wait as she talks I listen in to their conversation.

"Hey mom"


"I don't know I just left to hang with a friend "

"Yes she's real"

"I can have friends mom!"

"I don't want to go home you treat me like a child"

"This is so unfair"

"Fine whatever have it your way"


She hangs up looking abit upset "you okay?" I asked concerned I give her a hug she hugs back sighing.

" I have to go home could u walk me there .."

I frown "yeah..I can" I get her stuff and put my backpack on as well.

_______-----___---____----_____--time skip-----_____-----____----____--

We arrive at her house she thanks me for the fun that she had. I just smile and hug her then the door opens as we're hugging revealing a brunette women who looks to be in her thirties. Also wearing a pink night gown with slippers she growls and gives me a nasty look.

"Diane darling stop hugging and get inside you need to take you're medicine "

Diane sighs

"Bye cya tomorrow"

She smiles faintly at me and so do I ,saying " Cy- " But getting cut off by the door being slammed into my face I look down..hoping she likes me but probably not..I stuff my hands into my pockets again and stare straight down.

I pull out my phone looking at the pictures we took together at the cafe I smile at her cute crossed eyes and her sticking out her tongue while I'm holding up a peace sign and laughing my ass off, looking like a complete doofus...I can't help but giggle at it and blush abit..

I don't know why but..She makes me feel this weird feeling ...I don't know but it's something about her ...just something about that girl..no something about that blind girl named Diane that makes me secretly happy...

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