Final Wish

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(3rd person pov.)
The adrenalin was coursing through the girl's veins. The boys better be ready for what was coming to them. What we we're about to do would completely and totally shock them. We will not give them individual punishment we would punish them all together. "Don't worry boys this is only gonna hurt a whole lot!" Crystal said. The guys were so scared that even Cheshire Cat stoped saying riddles. Now was the time, all the girls floated to the sky with their auras surrounding them, Crystal's was purple, Shirayuki's was red, Rainbow Sunshine's was of course rainbows and Mystic's was blue. Then it started
"Soul resonance!" they all screamed together. As there power combined it formed the shape of a butterfly it emediately came crashing on the guys and burnt them not killing them but we couldn't guarantee that they were not hurt. The girls came floating down "Nice job" They all said in unison and sachayed away. "Hey girls why don't we go to the spa." Ask Crystal. "Sure" they said.

{Boys p.o.v}
"How did they do that" asked zero.
"I don't know"said Cheshire cat.
"I have to say I find those girls rather intimidating" stated Sebastian.
"For once a demon and a shinigami agree on something" stated undertaker matter of factly.
"Lets all agree never to bother them again" said undertaker.
"Agreed" they all said in unison.
(Girls p.o.v)
Shirayuki signed for like the thirtieth time today.
" Shirayuki what the hell, stop that your getting annoying!? " crystal stated angrily.
Shirayuki then began to laugh playfully "I know that's why I'm doing it" she said."oh my gosh why are you being so annoying today" Crystal asked. "Because I can" she stated with a huge grin on her face. "I miss zero senpie" said mystic. "Yeah and I miss cheshy" stated rainbow sunshine with a few tears falling from her eyes. Shirayukis eyes then turn to red, "and I miss my sexy sebby" she said while licking her lips. "Eeeeeeewwwwww"
All the other girls said I'm unison while looking at her. "Well we're here"
Said crystal.
{Time skip to later on that day}
[Time skip brought to you by blue exorcist]
(Boys p.o.v)
"Where are they they've been gone since this morning." Said a worked undertaker.
"I fear that the young mistresses will be in danger."
"A mistery indeed in this cold cold night,our brides have the dissapeard in the dark moons light." Said the Cheshire cat while randomly Appearing in the air around the room. "What do you think they've gotten themselves into now." Zero said with a sigh. "I think we should go look for them" said a worried undertaker,and with that they left the place in search of their beloveds.

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