A New Begining

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Go to your room,said King Remus. King Remus is my dad, and I happen to be the princess of this land.My name is Princess Crystal Marie,I am the first and only daughter to the king which means I am the current heir to the throne.The palace including my father has become gloomy since the death of my mother Queen Athea a few months earlier.When I was younger I would often help my mother in a garden she started, and tended to all by her self.Eventually I grew up and became bored of it,I never went there again.My mother used to tell me that her garden was magical and if you believe well enough you would see the lovely thing that were there.That garden was the only thing I had left to remember her by, after my mothers death father asked the gaurds and maids to burn and bury all of her belongings. Before she died my mother left me a locket, she told me the locket won't open until I found true happiness.This locket also served as the key to open the garden.When I entered the garden for the first time in about ten years. I rememberd all the memories of my mother in the garden. I imagined her standing by her favorite bunch of roses in what was once a beautiful garden,for when I realized the reality most of The flowers were molted and withered. Except one beatufuly colored ivory flower,my mom used to tell me every flower represented a persons heart,mind,soul,and true happiness.That single ivory flower happens to be my own, although it's withering there is still hope for the garden and my flower. Soon after there was a strong gust of wind filled with cherry blossom pedals,when the wind settled I saw my mothers figure, I looked at my mothers beautiful face and realized she was happy.She lead me to the tree that we once rested under when I was only a child. ONLY this time something amazing happened,the wind sweapt me off my feet,and while I was in the air I saw my beautiful land burning to nothing but ash.When my mothers image apeard again she told me the burning land was a vision of something that was yet to come but soon happen. She continued to tell me that as the current heir to my kingdom I have become the chosen one. There is a great evil in this world,she said and I'm afraid I can't protect you from it any longer it's up to you to save this land from King Damion the king of malice and destruction."what do u mean I am the chosen one", said Crystal.Quenn Athea said,"My dear look around,this is a new land I have brought you to a land full of magic and peace." It took some time for Crystal to process the new found information. When she finally did she realized how curious she was eager to investigate this land.After a while of scouting the area with her eyes she realized what her mother said. "Magic what do mean magic,I don't have any magic" she insisted in a state of panic."Yes my dear you do"insisted Queen Athea."not only are you the princess of your fathers land but this one as well."You see my dear I am the queen if this land,and you are it's next ruler."
(A/N)So this is the first book I have ever written.(yyyyaaaayyy) I hope you guys like it. 😄😄 I have tried my best.😆 Comment on how you liked this chapter plz.😘😘

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