Chapter 3

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School got out over 40 minutes ago and I was too happy. I went and picked my little sister up from her school and helped her with her homework and she ate and was knocked out.

It's weird everyone say she the splitting image of me, but I don't see it so I just leave it alone. I love that little girl to death and would go to war for her without no hesitation.

I was currently on the phone with Nia telling her about my little incident that happened with Brittany in the bathroom. After I told her what happened she was so proud of me.

She kept saying, "She knew I could do it and was waiting for me to finally explode." I just laughed and agreed with her. We talked about a few more things and said our goodbyes.

After that I knocked out and didn't wake up until 6:00. I woke up to a text from a unsaved number in my phone. I looked at it and answer by saying who this

Text Mode

Unknown: Yo

Layia: Who This??

Unknown: Devin

Layia: Ohh my bad wassup

Devin: I just wanted to hit you up to see where your mind was at with this lil project we doing.

Layia: Well we can meet up at school and talk about any ideas that you have and I have and let's go from there.

Devin: Ight ma we can do that

Layia: Okay I guess we talk about it more in school tomorrow

Devin: Yea see you tomorrow ma

Layia: Bye Devin

After that little texting conversation I had with Devin I actually been thinking about him more. I actually found myself really just starting to notice his appearance, and I must say that he wasn't an ugly guy.

Devin stood at 6'4 compared to my 5'8 frame. His complexion resembled mine, light skin. His eyes were a light brown color and he had some nice pink full lips.

That was my first time ever looking at Devin like that because I either didn't pay him any attention, or my shyness will come up and I'd be too afraid to even look up at him for a long time.

Going deeper into my thoughts I couldn't lie, and not say that I wasn't at least curious about working with Devin. I was also thinking about what had happened in school today with me and Brittany.

I should've thought it through and didn't say nothing back to her. Now I know that she's going to be pissed at me and most likely going to be on my case even more. All I could say is damn.

I was so deep into my own little world that I didn't even hear my mother yelling at me to answer her. I said sorry and asked her when she got here, and all she said was a few minutes ago. I responded with a simple oh, and she asked if everything was okay, and as always I said yes.

I don't never know why I can't bring myself to just say those couple of words to her. No mom everything is not okay, I'm being bullied at school. The bad thing about it is that, I don't want to be seen as a snitch or a little weak girl. I guess that's why I just keep it in.

I know it's not to good to keep my problems all to myself and not talk to anybody about it, but Who can I run to? Yeah, that's the only problem I have, who can I tell my problems to. I don't want to go to a counselor, that will only make me feel like I have a serious problem which I don't. Right?

I don't even know anymore. I can go from happy to sad real quick. That's the shit that I hate. I had a good day, finally for a chance I'd felt like I was normal, and not the ugly, stupid bitch that Brittany, Lalia, and Tyla see me as.

Then when I get home, I'll sit there and think about the bullying, the shyness and all the other shit I'll go through in my life, and I'll become sad. I need an escape, but to where though that's what I need to find out.

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