The show

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You and Hannah finally arrived at the stadium after a dull ten minute car ride.

As the taxi pulled up to the shopping center right outside the stadium Hannah jumped out of the car very quickly.

You looked at her for a brief moment while cocking an eyebrow. You turned to the driver and gave him the money owed. You thanked him as you put all your stuff away.

"Come on! We'll be late!" Hannah yelled as she relentlessly knocked on the window.

You rolled your eyes and then apologized to the driver for Hannah's actions.

"There's no need to apologize, as long as she doesn't break the window." The driver said with a faint Spanish accent.

You giggled a bit and then opened the door, once again you thanked him. You swung you legs out of the door and got out as a annoyed Hannah looked on. You closed the door and waved to the driver.

"We're going to be late." Hannah stated sharply.

"Hannah, this isn't Mr. Wood's class. We don't need to be here thirty minutes beforehand." You said smiling at her. "There's no reason to worry, We'll make it on time." You finally said.

"The longer we stand here the more late we are." Hannah said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"We have twenty minutes until the show starts, the fact you're even remotely worried is quite disappointing." You said to her in a somewhat posh manner.

"Listen I didn't get these tickets just so you can ridicule me," Hannah pointed her finger at the stadium, " I came here with you because after I graduate next year we'll be going separate ways, and I want a lasting memory with you." Hannah said giving you a small smile.

You smiled back. You were more than aware of this fact. Hannah and you went to high school and to Harvard together. Hannah excelled at both of these things but never moved up a grade until college. Hannah was moved to her fourth year of college and got her bachelors degree in her first year there. She of course stayed to get a masters, which is why she's still here.

You on the other hand didn't excel at these two things like Hannah did, but you maintained a high GPA throughout high school which landed you a spot in Harvard. Though unlike Hannah you're getting a bachelors degree in Dramatic Arts and Hannah is getting her masters degree in neurobiology and surgery.

You already graduated one year ahead and you were looking for parts in Broadway shows or t.v. Either one worked for you. Hannah has been invited to work and study in Boston with some of the top doctors in the world. These two things will most likely split your friendship and there's nothing else to it.

You gave Hannah a nod and then proceeded to walk with her, you both tried to find a way through the crowd of people though it wasn't working out to well.


It had been about an hour and after a few drinks you knew that testing your bodies limits wouldn't be the best idea.

"Hannah, I'm going to the bathroom!" You yelled, trying to be heard over the loud music and conversations.

Hannah turned to you with a dopey smile. She clearly had a little to much to drink. But with her high metabolism what ever alcohol entered her will leave in an hour or two.

"Cool!" She yelled back and then proceeded to dance wildly to the music.

You put on a faint smile and then you struggled to walk in front of the people in the seats next to you.

You eventually managed to get out of the aisle and on to the stairs, but even then you had to awkwardly walk around the people selling food and merchandise on large tray. And by some miracle you were able to leave the inside of the stadium and into the hallway that wrapped around it.

You sighed in relief and began to walk down the hallway. Though as you continued to walk you noticed that you were somehow taking rights and going down stairs. The hallway that was once bendy and wide, was now narrow, straight and had at least twenty doors on each side.

Though it had taken you a minute, you realized that you were totally, completely and utterly lost.

"Fuck" you whispered to yourself.

You walked around and noticed that some of the doors looked like they belong in a suburb rather that a concrete sports center. Though some of the doors were metal and fit better with the setting.

Once you reached the end of the hallway you decided to just go through the big metal double door that sat at the end of the hallway.

You walked up to him and tapped on the shoulder and he turned around .

"Hi I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you but I was wondering if you could direct me to the bathrooms" you said and smiled.

"Do you have any idea where you are right now"? he said with a thick British accent and crossed his arms.

"No I'm sorry I got lost a while back" you said with a little less of a smile.

"I've heard that one before I'm gonna have to call security" he said taking out a walkie talkie. "Wait am I back stage because-" you were cut off by an approaching man with ginger hair.

"Hey Stu when am I going on" he said.

"One second I need to call security" the Stu guy said.

The ginger guy nodded his head and looked at you. You smiled at him and looked elsewhere.

You looked back at him and saw he was only inches away from you. You didn't know what to do. He looked at your locket and lifted it off your chest.

You stood still not moving a muscle. He looked at the locket and then opened it. He stood there staring at the picture of you and Ed.

It had been a minute and security guards were standing behind you waiting to escort you out speaking up once and a while to remind you to hurry up. You were still standing still when he closed the locket and brought you into a tight hug.

"I thought I would never see you again" he said and then it all came to you.

"Ed"? You asked.

"Yup it's me" he said still hugging you tight but instead of just standing still you hugged back just as tight.

"I've missed you so much" you said.

"I've missed you more" Ed said and lifted you up and spun you around. You laughed and tucked your head in his neck.

He placed you down and parted from the hug. He held your hands and stared into your eyes just like on the night he left.

"Edward" Stu said clearing his throat.

"Yeah" Ed said completely forgetting that you were going to be escorted. Stu pointed to the security guards.

"Wait no she can't leave I just got her back I can't go and lose her again". Ed said and pulled you back into a hug.

"Ed don't worry here's my number" you said handing him a piece of paper with your numbers on it. He took it and smiled.

"Thank you and I will definitely will call you later" Ed said. You smiled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek and left. You left the stadium with a smile on your face.

*Two hours later*

Ed called you twice before and after his performance. "L

"Yeah we should totally get drinks sometime... Yeah... Okay see you tomorrow then bye" you said and hung up the phone.

You were about to go to sleep when Hannah brust through the door.

Sometimes Running Doesn't Get You Very Far (Ed Sheeran x reader)Where stories live. Discover now