Chapter 6

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Soooo what did you guys think of the last chapter?!

Chapter Six: Bitch


Really?! Like how!? I am forever scarred! More than the time I walked in on my dad doing that one thing with my mom scarred! I don't know why I'm actually pissed! Like I want to claw his fucking eyes out!

Like, how are you going to have me here all fucking day!? Cooped up in this room with no one to talk to. But you can come home late at fucking night! Fucking three ugly ass, fake breast having ass, fake plastic ass bitches!

Wow, Carney back up. Rewind. Bitch you don't like him!


"Ahhh Dante!"

"Riiiight there baaaby!"

Yeah that's what I've been dealing with for the past hour. Their screams of ecstasy and the sound of his bed being abused by their mating ritual. I've tried everything to not hear them. They sounded like a bad porn. I don't know if  he's that good but those girls acting is on point. 'Oh Dante!', 'Yes! Oh yes harder!', seriously? I looked over at the phone in my room-The phone!

I rushed over to it and pressed #2 for the security guard.

"Yes Ma'am?" He said with a thick accent.

"Yeah, your boss Dante is fucking three ugly ass bitches next door to me. Can you please take me somewhere else in the house where I can not hear them?"

"Ma'am?" The guy asked again. I groan and fist at my hair.

"Dante is fucking some bitches next door. Please transfer me to a different room." The guy had the nerve to laugh!

"Sorry, I'll be right down." Then he hung up. After a few minutes screams starting coming from only two girls. Now this is really pissing me off.

"Ma'am?" The guard opens the door and peeks in.

"Finally!" I bounce off the bed and he laughs.


"Your so small, and you bounced off the bed like a kid." He started laughing even more.

"I'm NOT a kid!" I hugged and stomped my foot. And he laughed even more.

"Come on Ma'am. But there is not another room in the house that you have clearance for but the security room has a bed in it. It's the only room that will be silent enough for you."

"Anyplace but here!" I said as he walked me out of the room. As we walked down the hall we passed Dante's room. One of the stank hoes was on the floor knocked out. The other two were kissing while one was getting it from behind.

What the actual fuck?

"Yeah... I see why you would want to relocate..." He pulled me along so I wouldn't have to see those things anymore. I'm so thankful for this security guard. When we reached the room the wall was full of screens with parts of the house. Parts I haven't seen and even the outside.  I looked around and saw the bed he was talking about.

"Peace and quiet! Thanks guard guy!" I plopped down on the surprisingly soft mattress.

"It's Kelin." I smiled up at him as he took a seat in the chair.

"Thank you Kelin..." I laid down and quickly went to sleep.



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