Chapter 22

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Thank you all for commenting on the last update. You guys gave me some really good ideas and thank you!!

I love all of you guys!!❤❤😘😘


Chapter 22: Trips?


*One Month Later*
"Sir?" My assistant said walking into my office.


"It's uh... it's late Sir and I'm leaving now." Oh... I turned looked at the time and it was almost twelve.

"Alright. I'll walk you out."

"Thank you Sir." I got up and grabbed my coat.

"Oh cousin! You're home?" Kelin said as he walked into my room.

"Yes, this is my home?" Fucking dumb ass...

"Well around this time of the year you visit Italy-"

"Ah! You're right! The family reunion!" I sighed kicking my shoes off.

"Yeah and I was thinking..."

"About what?"

"How about contacting Carney again?"

"I was going to shoot my own brother for bringing her up. You think I won't hesitate to shoot my adopted cousin?" I said turning around to face him.

"Fine. You don't have to be a dick about it... I already invited her."

"You did what?!"

"Hey, hey now. She's going with me. Not you." He said with a smug smile.

"Just what kind of relationship do you two have Kelin?"

"Well, that's none of your business. You had your chance but you screwed up. Carney obviously chose the best man." This cocky bitch is dead.


Should I do it? No... It's not good enough-I could change so much. But I've already worked so hard on the damn thing! I closed my eye and pressed send. I hope my professor gives me a good grade. I know I wrote the hell out of that ducking essay! Leaning back I sighed... College is a bitch. (Seriously though...)

"Hey Beautiful." Jenn said peeking her head in my room.

"Hey girl." I said sitting up. She smiles and walks in with a bag, and the smell of donuts fill my room.

"Oh please tell my you have glazed in that bag?"

"Oh yeah... and it's still warm." I jumped out of my chair and grabbed the bag.

"Jenn I freaking love you." I said biting into the donut. Oh... that's good...

"I know! So now will you talk to me about you and Kelin?"

"The trip to Italy?"

"Yeah, no one just flies a girl to a place like Italy for no reason."

"Well he told me it's to make up for being around Dante."

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