Look Death in the Eyes

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Harry glared at his friend. "Niall, if that phone rings one more time, I'm going to throw it out the window. I swear it."

Niall laughed. "Harry, if you throw my phone out the window, a fan will likely catch it, then they'll have our numbers. What are we supposed to do then?"

A few grumbled words answered him, but Harry didn't say anything else. Instead, he stared out the limo's window, watching the street lights pass as they headed for the airport.

Beside him, Niall turned the volume down and showed him it was on silent. "Don't worry. I'm only expecting one more call or text. Greg hasn't gotten in touch with me yet, so I'm waiting for that. Then the phone goes off until the plane ride is over. Deal?"

He nodded, then looked around the interior. Across from him, Liam sat there, strumming a guitar and humming quietly to himself, practicing their newest song. This would be the first time they'd be singing it live, but that was okay. They'd be fine; somehow they always pulled through.

Sitting on Liam's left was Zayn, his hair perfect as always. His eyes appeared brown at the moment, but when he got angry, those eyes went hazel. His dark jacket contrasted perfectly with his shirt, and his jeans and sneakers completed the outfit in a way that made him look like a model. His eyes were closed and he was rocking his head forward and back to whatever song was coming through his earbuds. A drawing pad sat, untouched, on his lap. He claimed he didn't have much inspiration lately.

To Harry's left, sitting closer to the front of the limo, was Louis. His eyes were closed as he slept, his chest rising and falling steadily. One arm rested across his stomach, supported by the back of the seat, while the other hung over the floor. The hand on his stomach covered the nerf football the guys had gotten him for his last birthday. That birthday had been about two months ago.

Now, here they all were, in the limo heading for another awesome time with the fans at a concert, and stressed over whether they could get through the new song or not. It didn't matter that they'd done so many new songs before and been fine. Some things people just got nervous over every time it happened.

Kind of like stage fright for a shy person. It was something you could be used to, and still get nervous over every time it came around.

Looking back out the window, Harry saw the airport come into view. "How long is the flight? Anybody know?"

"About six hours, or so. We'll all be sleeping at some point. If not, we'll be too exhausted for the show," Liam casually answered. He continued strumming the guitar, not looking up, rather focusing all his attention on his work.

"So, six hours in a plane." Niall tilted his head and studied Harry, his lips quirking up at one corner. "Did you hear about what we'll be flying over?"

Harry frowned. "Uh, water and dirt, buildings, etc. What's new?"

Niall shook his head and smiled. "The mountain. Did Paul tell you about that?"

"No. Is it important?"

"Depends: do you believe in the impossible?" He asked dramatically.

"Not really. I'm pretty well planted in the realm called reality. The realm of impossible doesn't hold much interest for me. I like it when there's an actual chance of me reaching a goal."

Across the space, Liam let out a barking laugh at Harry's words. The movement caused him to hit Zayn with the guitar neck, making Mr. Perfect jump and shout in surprise. "Watch it, Liam." Zayn pulled his earbuds out and glared without heat at Liam.

"Sorry, my bad."

Zayn looked at Harry, then Niall, who was smiling. "What am I missing?"

"Did you hear about the mountain we'll be flying over?" Niall asked him.

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