"Your highness please get out of the tree." One of the servants begged. I'd put myself up in a tree and refused to get down. My father refused to teach me to fight. Just because I'm a girl and a princess doesn't mean I can't learn to fight. What if someone tries to assassinate me and I can't defend myself?

"I'll get down when father lets me learn to fight." I say pouting and crossing my arms.

"Get out of the tree." Edwin orders me. Edwin is my childhood friend and bodyguard. He looked absolutely dashing as usual. His black hair was left naturally messy which suited him perfectly and his ocean blue eyes looked as beautiful and strong as ever. He was truly a sight to see.

"No! You and Daddy are ridiculous! What's wrong with wanting to protect myself?" I yell. Edwin just sighs.

"I'll teach you to fight if you get out the tree." A bright smile comes to my face.

"Thank you Eddy!" I say with excitement. As I was getting off of the branch my foot slipped and I started falling. I let out a scream and close my eyes. I'm going to die before I can even learn to fight.

"Stop screaming already." Edwin says. I open my eyes and see I'm in Edwin's arms. He must've caught me. He sighs and puts me down. "The king wants to see you." I brush off my dress and follow Edwin to the throne room.

When we arrive a gorgeous blonde boy is standing next to my father. He gives me a sweet smile. I return the smile but quickly turn to my parents.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Genevieve, this is Price Alexander of the kingdom of Tahia. You're fiancée." My father says gesturing to the blonde boy. Alexander walks towards me bending down and kissing my hand.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He says with a polite smile.

"No." I say shaking my head.

"What?" My father asks confused. Alexander stands up and gives me a concerned look.

"I will not marry him. I refuse." I say stomping out the room. I hear my father call my name but I ignore him and keep running.

"Genevieve!!" Edwin yells once we were far away from the palace and in the garden. I trip and scrape my knee on the concrete. Edwin kneels next to me and looks at my knee.

"You're such an idiot! If you know you're clumsy don't run around in a dress and heels!" He yells pulling me off the ground. I just nod. He pushed one of my dirty blonde hairs behind my ear. "It's a shame. You're so beautiful." My cheeks turn red. Edwin and I's relationship is really confusing. I'm in love with him but I think he is just playing with me or he's just being nice. I can never tell with him.

"Lets run away." I suggest with a smile. He just slaps my head.

"Are you an idiot?! I could get in serious trouble and just think how worried everyone here will be!" He scolds me like a child. That's what makes our relationship so confusing. One moment he's acting like he actually likes me then the next he's acting like I'm his little sister.

"I'm serious! Let's just leave!" He thinks about it for a second and shakes his head.

"It's too risky." He says with a sigh.

"Please. Come on." I plead with the best puppy dog eyes I can manage. He looks determined not to give I'm but eventually throws his hands up in defeat.

"Fine. We'll leave tonight. Pack a bag, I'll come get you at midnight." He says sternly before walking off. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I run to my room and pack a bag. I mostly just pack some clothes. I pack my cheaper clothes that are more for exercise and things like that.


I sit in my room for hours just reading books and doodling in my sketchbook. Once it was finally midnight I sat on the edge of my bed waiting for Edwin. There was a light knock before Edwin came in.

"Ready to go?" he whispers. I nod. He picks me up bridal style and throws my bag onto my stomach along with his bag. He gets onto the window seal and jumps. I scream and close my eyes. I felt the impact of Edwin landing and open my eyes. We were alive.

Guards were starting to get suspicious so he started walking towards the gates faster. Once we got to the front gate the guards blocked us.

"It is restricted for the you to leave the palace without the king's permission." The guard says. Edwin just ignores him and uses the guard's head as a boost for his jump over the front gate. He jumps onto the top of the gate then jumps down.

Is he even human!? Seriously, what normal person can jump so high and not die when they jump from super high places?! Edwin looks around and starts running into the forest.

"Maybe this was a bad idea. What is we get eaten by a bear?!" I say holding tight onto Edwin's shirt, probably wrinkling it.

"We won't get eaten by a bear." He reassures me.

"How do you know that?" Edwin just ignores me and keeps running. Can Edwin fight a bear? I know he can jump really high but can he fight that well. I've never actually seen him in action. My father always kept me away from things like that.

We kept running until we were out of the kingdom and at a port for boats. By we I mean Edwin carrying me while running.

"Why are we here?" I ask curiously.

"We're going to Latharia." Latharia is all the way across the world far away from the kingdom. This is good. I can't believe this is happening. This is all I've dreamed about for years and now it's happening. I turn my head to see a old women selling cute stuffed animals.

I stop in my tracks and run over. I pick up a bunch of different ones and look at them in awe. Edwin walks over and sighs.

"They're so cute!" I say excitedly. He sighs again knowing what coming. "Can I please get one?" I ask with the best puppy dog eyes I can manage. Edwin sighs and tries his best to look determined not to give in but eventually takes out some money and pays for it.

"Let's go." He says grabbing my hand and dragging me towards a tiny ship. Compared to my father's ship this thing was pathetic. Everyone was staring at us ad whispering. Of course we stand out, I look like royalty and Edwin looks like a royal guard.

Hopefully none of them will recognize us. Then we would really have a mess on our hands. As Edwin and I looked at the ocean as we sailed a shady looking man walking over to us.

"You guys look a little out of your comfort zone." The man says with a creepy smile. We don't say anything and just stare at him. "Where ya from beautiful?"

"I'm from Latharia, I'm heading back home, thanks for asking." Edwin says with a smile. I cover my mouth and try not to laugh. The man gives a forced laugh and turns to me.

"Are you also from Latharia?" He asks. I don't say anything and Edwin speaks for me.

"She doesn't like strangers, but yes she's from Latharia." The creepy man nods and sits down on the other side of the ship. Edwin and I burst out laughing. We stood there laughing like lunatics for about 5 minutes before stopping and Edwin giving me a serious look. 

"I'm going to get us some water." He says before walking away. I look out at the ocean. Dolphins were jumping. I turn to call out to Edwin but he wasn't there. He was just there a second ago getting some water. I walk towards the little water station and ask the man if he's seen Edwin. 

The man shook his head and said he hadn't seen anyone. Did Edwin fall off or something? Is he trying to show me how helpless I am without him? I look back to where the creepy man was and notice he's not there. 

All of a sudden there is a loud crash and the ship starts shaking. I look over the ship and see a pirate ship. Where is Edwin when you need him???

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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