my mates a alpha, and my brothers a werewolf hunter! isnt my life great

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high this is my first story please be gental

picture : cristal salvator (in school outfit )

       I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. groning i got up from my bed changed into a skirt and tight shirt with a pair of heels. puting on a smalll amount of makeup my black hair wavey. i ran down stairs and to the kitchen to see my brother alec eating cereal.

       "change" alec said

"excuse my i am a mature adult alec i can were watever i want"

 " you are 16 years old you have no right to call yourself a mature adult now chaaaaange"



"noooooo"and with that i ran out the door

the second i steped through the school doors i was bombarded by my too best friends isabela with her long curly blond hair. she was super nice but kinda sluty if i do say so myself, and melenda she was a sweet little pixie long brown hair that fell in curls as well. "heyy girly" they said in unusion

"omg did you here about the new boys" isabela started off witch didnt suprise me.they were the most popular boys in school. everyone called them the new boys because they always bought stuff that were shiny new and super expensive.their was three of them Damean the flirt with shagy blond hair and hony brown eyes,then you have Mike he had sholder length brown hair and grey eyes the quiet mysterious one, last is Logan their leader shaggy black hair and eyes so brown they were almost gold the manwhore of the be honest ive always had a small crush on logan but it wasent that big do to his manwhorness and the fact he dosent know i exist.

"no i just got here " i ansered bluntly.

"oh, well aperently logans looking for a girl to stick to! and so are the other boys and aperently  their looking for a certain girls i i bet their sluts "almost every person was looking at her.

"well thats cool but i doubt that he will stick to that girl poor sucker is going to be cheated on constently"i said even though deepdown i was slightly excited.

"oh really" melenda said catuosly " i mean your not even slightly excited or hopeing that he will pick you " danm her.

shit how dose she know so much yet stay so sweet.i thought to myself."no im not" i anserd quickly

"whatever we got to get to class bye bye"isabella answerd unconvinsed.

just then the new boys walked in.

Logans POV:

as soon as i walked in everyone got quiet and started starring i mean i wouldnt blame them im hot and so are my to best friends DAmean andMike not in a creepy way though.sudenly i smelt the most dilecious smell ever. i looked for the source to see a girl i never noticed before. who is that i thought to myself. who cares shes are mate , my wolf answerd. "guys " i called to my friends.

"whats up man you look like a love sick puppy"mike said in his slightly monotone voice.

"that girl "i started pointing to her"shes my mate"and as if on que she turned and looked at me my heat clenched as she made a look of disgust "why is she looking at me like that " i asked the boys panicked.

"maybe you have a booger"damean said my hand imediatly and then i heard a small chuckle i turned to see her smiing i smiled back.

 i started walking to her when a boy came up in front of me and kissed her on the lips i almost riped his head off then and there. but i kept my cool and kept on walking tords her.

"hey "i said smiling "im logan.

"oh hi im cristal" she offerd her hand as soon as i grabed it electricity erupted up our arms.

Cristals POV:

my arm started tingeling when he grabed it my boyfriend jack held me tighter to him and thats when i relized i hadent let go of him.

"so whos this"he asked motioning to my boyfriend.

"oh this is jack my boyfriend"

is that so "he mutterd to himself clenching his fist."well these are my friends damean and mike" he said motioniing to the boys behind him

"hi" i mutterd shyly .

"your cute when your shy "logan said i looked up and blushed

"yeah shes even cuter when you relize shes taken" jack said sounding anoyed and angry my eyes widend as i had forgoten he was here.

"is that so i figured shed be cuter naked and with me" my face turned bright red

"ok we should get to class"i interupted" it was nice meating yall"i waved bye and started to drag a fumeing jack away\.

the rest of the day went by in a  blur all i could think about was how logan made me feel when he touched me. it was now lunch time jack sat next to me

"jack we need to talk "

"ok wats up"

"i dont think this is working "

he imediatly stod up "no we are not breaking up"he roghly grabed my arm"do you understand"

"let go of me that hurts"

sudenly a fist came up behind me and hit jack in the nose "when she tells you to do something you do it understod" i turned around it was logan jack ran to the nurses office and logan stared daggers into his back.

"thancks for that" i wisperd

"your welcome i would do anything to keep you safe"i looked at him suprised at what he said.

"oh well, ok "he smiled at me then pulled me into a hug i felt the same wierd tingles as before just more intense i pulled away .

"so how about we go out sometime"

"no " i answerd bluntly. he looked shocked

"why not " he looked like he was restraining himself from stomping his foot

"i dont know you and from what i here your a verry big player "so prove me wrong and i just might date you.

"ok i will get a date with you i swear"he said determind.

ok so i will update soon pleas coment and vote it would mean so much to me also the more coments the longer the chapter also give me some ideas of the things cristal should make logan do.

my mates a alpha, and my brothers a werewolf hunter! isnt my life greatWhere stories live. Discover now