The Saga of the Wounded Warrior - Analyn's Journey

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The warrior was clothed in black with gold armor shield and sword. She ran ahead of the troop to plot the course of the oncoming army as the Commander in Chief had entrusted her with the responsibility to spy out the land. She loved to go to the high point to look out of the country that they had been sent to free from the enemy's clutches. On the jagged, jutting out promontories she could see the farthest, the way would shine forth more clearly than from the valleys. She followed the voice of her master, as He directed the course of the battle and the strategic advances into His tormented and enslaved nation. She loved to run free and quickly and to keep encouraging the others to keep going, to keep pressing onward. The smell and then taste of victory against the evil enemies of her lord's kingdom was sweet. She was even learning to trust her master so far as to jump off of some of those high places and to fly with wings as an eagle. What a sweet awesome joy to float above the land and fly free and high. She could see much farther and clearly when she was not tied down to the land.  

And so, the course was set, the race was started, but she noticed that each time she leapt ahead it became a little more painful. That inside of her there was a wrenching and a wounding that would cause her to plummet to the ground like a wounded bird of prey. She could not understand how such freedom and such joy could be so painful. Did that not contradict all the promises of the Master? He said that His yoke was easy and His burden was light. Then why, oh why, was there such suffering to obeying His voice, to going where He bid her to go? She kept asking Him, beseeching Him to either take the flights or take the pain. It was becoming too much to bear. And He said, look within yourself my child. Look into your inner man and ask me to show you the truth of YOUR inner man, to seek the true cause of the pain. 

She asked, in a hesitant way at first, not sure she wanted an answer, in truth she sensed it would bring more pain. Finally there was no place to go except to honesty. She asked, she truly asked and what she saw was a shock to her. As she looked down, she realized that she had been deeply cut across her abdomen, and like a gut shot soldier, there was a gaping wound from which her insides were spilling out. Unconsciously, she had one hand across the opening to keep the wound, and the pain inside. Somehow she had been trying to be there for others while being mortally wounded herself. Her Lord told her to keep looking for truth. What she saw then made her want to throw up. The insides were coated with gruesome decaying matter, a horrid repugnant slime that made her want to gag. It was enough to make one want to pull everything out with the other hand but that would truly mean death and that was not why this truth was revealed. Her Lord showed her that before she came into His army she had been crawling in the muck and filth and yea had even been a camp follower, a woman of no morals for the enemy's army. Again she wanted to throw up but his grace and mercy kept her from this despair. He said, in the travels you made, as well as those of your family, you receive unto yourself filth grime and sin of all kinds but you have held yourself so closely against me that it has been impossible for me to cleanse and heal you of this evil. 

Open yourself up to me let me touch this mortal wound and I will heal and restore you, to mold you into the warrior you should have been before you took these paths of darkness and despair. And so, she cried out for deliverance because as much as she feared dying from the cleansing, realizing what was inside of her in her most innermost parts was even more unbearable.


That became her heart cry as she awaited the time of healing and deliverance from her bondages. For you see, when the wounds go to the core, there must be a time of preparation and of setting oneself apart. She prayed and she fasted, she set her heart and body to follow only the will of Her master, that her selfish will and desires would no longer hold sway in her life. She asked for the Lord to help her to yield and open herself up to His touch, His healing. She did not know how to pull down the walls that encased her heart and soul against that most loving of touches, that of the Creator lovingly doing surgery on that which He had created.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2011 ⏰

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