Chapter 19: Lewis (Apparently) Has a Plan

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"Ok, so what's this ingenious plan?" I asked, nervously rubbing my hands together. While I really appreciated the fact that Lewis had accepting me for me, I was still a little wary on involving him in my love life, which was currently falling to pieces. Before he had been dethroned as king of the school (of at least king of the year group), he had been a well renowned womanizer who went through females faster than I went through underwear.

Lewis responded with only a silent grin, causing me to break out into a scowl. Catching my expression, Lee elbowed Lewis in the ribs, and a satisfied smirk slipped onto my face as he emitted a low hiss of pain much like the noise of a can popping open.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, slapping a hand to his now bruised ribs. "That hurt!"

Lee snorted and tossed a parting over hair over her shoulder. "Good. It was meant to."

I had to laugh when she said that, earning a scowl from Lewis. I raised my hands up in surrender, but couldn't stop a few small sniggers escaping.

"Fine, I'll just not help you then," he huffed, folding his arms across his chest in a pout. I swallowed.

"Hey, hey," I laughed nervously. "Don't get too hasty now..."

He smirked, my embarrassed expression apparently magically curing his sore sides. "Yeah. But you owe me bro. Big time."

This time I snorted. "Please. You made first year a living hell for me, mate. I'm still considering this as part of your whole apology, make up thing."

His smug grin immediately dropped and I felt a slight stab of guilt.

"Yeah," he agreed quietly. "Again, sorry about that."

I coughed a little awkwardly. "Yeah. So, uh, what's this wonderful plan you've got?"

His whole expression altered into a wide smile.

"Can't tell you," he told me with a wink, tapping his nose in that mysterious yet annoying way they do in movies. I felt my fine eyebrows slide into a neat frown in response to his antics. Heaving a sigh, I dropped my disappointed gaze to the murky tiles, not particularly interested in the avid whispers of Lee and Lewis.

"Doesn't matter anyway," I said, my voice soft as my eyes raked the cracked walls. "It's not as though I'll be able to make it up to Jay now, can I? 'Hey Jay, I'm sorry for spilling your secret to the whole fucking world... take me back?'!"

I let out a bitter laugh at the end of my despairing sentence, trying to hide my increasing feelings of dejection with some sarcasm. It was my usual defence technique; aside from sarcasm coming as a second nature, it usually worked.

But for some unfathomable reason, it didn't work with them.

Lewis met my gaze with a sympathetic smile and Lee gripped my forearm tightly. My lip formed a weak, quivering smile.

"Right, I've got an idea," Lewis told us eventually, breaking the strange yet not uncomfortable silence. "Lee, take Ash back to my house... I'll meet you guys there in about half an hour, ok?"

I watched him, stunned, as he furtively glanced around the door on the lookout for a teacher, and skirted around the grass, his movements heavy and clumsy. He lurched forward, tripping over his untied laces and face planting the ground with an almighty smash. A quiet snicker escaped my throat and Lee shot me a look that was caught somewhere between a scold and amusement. A crooked grin stretched across my face.

"Come on," I complained, a slight laugh detectable in my voice. "You've gotta admit, that was just a wee bit funny. Even if you do fancy the arse off him... But look at it this way, you get a better view from this angle..."

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