Shadows and Last Place

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  Livy slapped my arm. "All I'm saying is the last dream I had, kind of came true. What about this one?"
  Livy rolled her eyes. "Don't fool yourself."
"But, I can't not." I was as confused as heck. We sat on the hot park bench. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow.
"No!" I sat up, turning in a circle slowly.
"Violet? You okay?" Livy stood up and stopped my spinning.
"I saw her again." Livy nodded. "That shadow girl again?"
I nodded and she rolled her eyes. "It's not real."
"Yes it is."
"No it is not."
"Shut up and follow me." She said, cutting me off. We walked up the soccer fields and into the library. "They are not real. You need to chill and read a good book." She pushed my into a comfy, grey chair by the window. She grabbed a book from the shelf, looked at the back, then handed it to me.
"Here. Read this."
It was was a thick hardcover version of "Peter Pan", my favourite book of all time. "Thanks." I say as I take the book.
She smiled and sat in a different chair, waiting for me to read. Livy was like my leader. I would do what she said, even if I didn't fell like it.
I couldn't lose another friend, especially Livy and Katie. They were the only friends I ever had I could talk to without feeling stupid.
I read finished reading the book. When I looked up, Livy was reading "Divergent", the book that made us become closer friends.
  I laughed at her focuses face. She stuck her tongue out the corner of her mouth like Cooper.
  She looked up and started giggling. "What's so funny?"
   "Your face, it's so focused." She rolled her eyes at my comment. I stopped laughing shortly after her next remark. The words she said cut me.
  "Didn't you feel like second place when Aislinn started dating Coop?"
  I looked up at her, heat rushing to my face. "Your nose is pink." She giggled.
  "Yeah well, I'm always in last place, in what ever I do." She looked sad now.
  "Kyle started dating Sofia. I thought he only liked me, but I guess he had a back-up."
  I stood up out of the comfy chair. "Like you said, boys are dogs, and we don't need them yet. Let's go." She stood up and grabbed her arm, dragging her out of the library.


  We danced in the kitchen as we listened to some country music. Tim McGraw had a new song and we had terrible dance moves. Life couldn't stop us now.
I laughed as Livy shook her fists in the air. "Oh yeah! Humble and kind!" She started singing and yelling. Madelyn, Livy and I were the only ones here and Maddie was upstairs playing video games on the Xbox.
I turned up the music louder. Livy danced. Maddie played video games. I shook out the thoughts in my head.


I stepped out of the shower. It was one in the afternoon. I woke up just an hour ago. Music blasted and I could hear Teen Wolf playing in my room. I wrapped a towel around my body, then my head.
I walked into my room. Thank the gods Maddie was down stairs. I shut the door and put dropped the towel off my body. I put on grey leggings. The towel on my head fell of when I tilted my head back. I slipped a black TØP shirt on.
I plopped down on my bed and watched Teen Wolf for an hour. My phone buzzed as Awkward came on. It was Cooper. He said Aislinn and him were going on a date and he didn't know what to wear.
I punched in the words "Just dress casually", because if I were to go on a date, I would dress casually. I guess.
I also guess, that they won't last long. Cooper is to chill for her. I really don't care though. Cooper texted back "ok" and Livy started texting me.
She said things like, "I hope Kyle will let me barrow his books" and "I hate Kyle, but not his books".
I just ignored the text. I didn't know what to say. The way she talked about being in second, it seemed to make her nervous. She doesn't lose. Never.

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