Windows and Maine

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  I felt dizzy. I put the phone on counter and took a seat at the dining table. "Why?" I whisper the word over and over. Livy ran through the door and grabbed my hand. "We gotta go!" She shouts. The words grew louder and louder, repeating in my head. She shut the door behind me and we got into the car. John was driving. Within seconds, we were at the hospital. Livy pulled me inside, John running after us. We stopped at the desk. "Katie McThor please."
  "Who are-"
  "Her family!"
  "Room A204."
  I tried to say thank you, but Livy pulled me away to fast. She pushed me into the elevator and pressed a button. We stomach jolted.
  I hate elevators. The doors opened and she dragged me out into the hall. She ran into a room. Katie lied in a bed, tubes everywhere on her body.
  "My god." I whisper. This was the first time I saw Livy cry. Tears fell from both our eyes. John entered the room. He hugged both of us once he saw us crying. "I hope I have a guy so don't have to deal with this many tears." He jokes. Both of us let out a laugh.
Tears soaked his shirt. A doctor came in and told us we had to leave.

By the time we got back to the car, it was pouring out. I slid into the back. John started the car and said, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what happened?"
I cleared my throat. "My cousin tricked her into going to this stupid party. They had drugs and beer. They chased her around, trying to get her to take them. When she was running, she slipped and fell, head first, out of a window and onto this kid's front lawn. Those assholes are going to fucking pay for what those dick heads fucking did!" I was raising my voice now.
John started driving. No one said a thing. Three weeks till he came back. Three weeks till she is out of the hospital. Three weeks of me having to wait for 2/3 of my life to come back.


I opened the door and wiped my feet. I stepped inside and took off my shoes. When I looked up, I found a pissed-off father. "Where have you been?"
Tears filled my eyes. I explained the accident and how I heard Andy and her talking that day at Katie's house. I explained how Liv had ran in and got me out of here to see Katie quickly.
He just shook his head. "Andy went to jail while you were gone. They don't have enough to bail him out. I don't think they ever will."
I smirked. "He deserves it."
I walked up stairs, into my room. Maddie was at basketball practice. My brother, Patrick, came in. "Sorry about-"
"Shut the hell up and get out." He steps out of the room and closes the door. Tear drops ran down my cheek. I turned on some TØP really loud.
God made life unfair. I scrolled through my pictures. I came across a picture of me and Cooper at library. I didn't know that was on there.
He had one arm wrapped around me, his other hand held the phone. He was smiling. His eyes locked on the phone.
My face was messed up and ugly as usual. My phone buzzed. Cooper.

Cooper: miss you...

V: did you hear about Katie?

Cooper: yeah, im so sorry I heard Andy is in jail, my sorry af I wasn't there

V: ugh, I hope ur having fun in Maine

Cooper: yesssss I ammnmm!

V: good

Cooper: I wish u were here

Cooper: I didn't mean to hit send

Cooper: I mean, I miss you and I wish u were here

V: chill, you need some milk bro?

Cooper: yes

V: lol, gtg

Cooper: dang, byyyee

I put my phone down and sighed. Sleep is what I need right now.


Katie sat in the hospital for three days now. The poor thing. I haven't got a chance to see her yet because my dad wants me to stay home a little more. I plan on seeing her tonight. We'll see how that works out. I finished my cereal. I put the bowl in the sink and clicked on my phone. I scrolled through Instagram, but stopped when I saw a picture of Katie with the caption: I jump out windows for you baby...
I got so pissed, I flipped off the picture.

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