The Classifications

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"So what kind are you?" Tony asked, popping what looked like a dried blueberry into his mouth. It was about 20 minutes before lights out and the three of them were lounging in their room.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked, frowning.

"You natural or modified or what?"

"I've got no clue what that means."

"He's talking about what kind of student you'll be." Steve explained. "He's a MFS and I'm a GMS."

"What does that mean?"

"An MFS is a Mechanical and Fighting Super. I'm taking courses to work with the suit I developed a few years ago, working on improving it and fighting while wearing it. I don't have superpowers."

"So that's you?" Jack asked him.

"Yep. There's a few kids here who are. There's a guy in some of my combat classes named Clint, but he's a C-triple-S."

"You're going to have to explain that one too, Tony." Steve said.

"C-triple-S's are Combat and Secret Surveillance Supers. They tend to work for SHIELD and corporations like the FBI and stuff." Tony offered the bag he was eating from to Jack. "Blueberry?"

Jack hesitantly took a dried berry and popped it into his mouth. "So how many kinds of students are there?"

"Well, there's MFSes and C-triple-Ses." Steve listed off. "I'm a GMS, a Genetically Modified Super. Then there's GM-double-Ses, which are Genetically Modified Science Supers."

"Don't forget the OWMSes." Tony broke in.

"I was getting there. OWMSes are Other World and Mythological Supers. Tony hates the lot of them, he's always picking fights-"

"I only don't like them because they act like they're better than me, which isn't true, especially with Loki."

"Alright, calm down." Steve told him.

"Is that all?" Jack asked. He was pretty sure he had the ones they had told him filed away properly, but he wanted to make sure there wasn't more.

"No, there's one other. NPCSes, AKA Natural Power and Combat Supers. Pretty self explanatory." Steve shrugged.

"They always act like they're so cool." Tony muttered angrily.

"So do you." Steve retorted.

"Anyway, kid, what do you think you are? Or what will you be?"

Jack thought through them. He wasn't a mechanic and while he did enjoy physics, he didn't think he was really a 'scientific' kid. He definitely wasn't from another world either.

"I dunno, but the only one that would seem to make sense right now is if I was an NPCS."

"Natural power, huh?" Steve asked. "What can you do?"

"I can levitate things." He said hesitantly. "That's about it right now, maybe I'll find something else."

"You have telekinesis?" Tony sat up straight in his desk chair. "Dude, let's see it!"

"Tony!" Steve threw a pillow at him. "Dean has told us time and time again not to pester any new kids into doing things if they aren't ready or aren't strong enough!"

"Fine, fine! So kid, are you okay with showing us your power?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, but I can't do it very well yet." Jack said slowly.

He turned to the pillow that Steve had thrown, which lay on the floor near Tony.

After a few moments of intense concentration, the pillow shakily lifted off the ground and floated over to Steve's bed, dropping in his lap.

Jack flopped backwards on his bed. "It takes a lot out of me right now."

"Don't worry, your professor of power will help you strengthen it." Steve assured him.

"My what?"

"Professor of Power. They're the ones that oversee different power categories for classes. We have GSCs, Double-Ses, and CSCs."

"And those are..." Jack waved his hand in a 'continue' motion.

"GSCs are General Super Courses. Double-Ses are Specified Super Courses, which is what the professors of power teach. And CSCs are Common School Courses." Tony elaborated.

"So I'll still be taking regular classes along with whatever superhero ones I take?"

"Yeah. You still need an education, after all."

A bell rang through the building.

"Five minute bell. Warns people who aren't in their rooms yet that lights out starts soon." Steve explained at Jack's confused look.


A trio of guys ran past their open door, sprinting for a dorm down the hall.

"Typical, those three are late." Steve shook his head.

"What do you expect from meatheads?" Tony replied condescendingly, pulling off his shirt to change into his pajamas.

"That they'd finally shape up this year. I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up." Steve muttered.

Jack wanted to know who the people were that they were talking about, but he decided not to ask since he didn't know what the context had been.

Changing into his pajamas, he slipped between the covers of his bed just as a second bell rang.

"Now what?" He asked quietly. Steve had turned off the light and closed the door to their room.

"They'll play the school anthem over the PA system really quietly, but we don't have to listen to it if we don't want to. Then we go to sleep. Breakfast is at 6:45, by the way." Steve replied from his bed.

"Okay." Jack lay on his back and listened as a soft song wafted through the building.

"Night, kid." Steve said. Tony was already snoring lightly.

"Goodnight." Jack muttered.

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