Chapter 28

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Matt's POV

I woke up by soldier licking my face and by my phone ringing. Anette stirred under me but din't wake up she continued sleeping. I slowly release my hold on her and took my briefs from the floor putting them on. I grab my phone on my way to the bathroom. I wash my face and teeth. When I unlock it I have 5 missed calls and 2 messages.

We have to talk.


I groaned.

"Damn it!" I read the second message.

Meet me at 9 in Art of Coffee 141 Waverly Pl., at Gay Street a couple of block from NYU.


What the hell did she want now? I take a quick shower and dress into grey joggers, black shirt and my combat boots. I made a quick note to Anette and tape it on her forehead. Soldier was cuddle next to her. I kiss her on her temple and grab my glasses and jog downstairs taking my keys from the counter and run to my car.

. . . . . .

When I arrive I take a deep breath and prepared mentally. I don't know what was worst meeting her or war? I go with her. I turn off the car and lock it. I walk inside of the coffee shop and right away spot her on the back sipping her cup of tea. I walk towards her and sat down in front of her. I take time to stared at her. She haven't change not since the wedding. The only difference was that her hair now was short it reach her shoulders blade.

"I hope you don't mind but I take the audacity to order you a cup of Yorkshire tea." She said softly. I just nodded.

Her British accent was thick. "What do you want to talk?" I ask her rather rudely. She didn't seems to be faced by my tone. "Always straight to the point aren't you?" She half smile.

"Lauren I don't come just to have a cup of tea and chitchat like we were friend. Now tell me why you texted?" I ask bitterly. She sigh.

"Did you made your decision?" I stares at her confuse at what she was asking. "What decision?"

"About our marriage." She smiled sweetly too sweetly for my linking.

"Listen Lauren, yes I receive the papers and yes I read them. But I cannot married you. I have a girlfriend, I'm sorry I don't want to hurt you." I told her honestly. "Then break up with her." She replies bluntly. I stared at her in shock. What?

"What?" I ask.

Did I hear right? She says to break up with Anette?

"You hear me, break up with your toy. I forgive you for cheating on me honey, but I'm here now." She takes my hand in hers and smile sweetly. "I'm sorry Lauren, but I don't love you and neither do you. That's the reality, that marriage will never happens." I turn to stand up but she dig her nails into my hand.

"You love her don't you?" She asks still smiling. I don't know where she was going with all of this. "I-I yes I love her." I told her honestly. Her smiling face turned into a scowl. Is she bipolar?

"Then you do as I say." She stared at her nails then at me. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't want her hurt do you? Neither Nathaniel." I glared at her. "Of course not."

"Then do as I say and married me. If you don't something deadly might happen to her. And you don't want another dead in your hands do you?" She said with so much venom. Now she show her true colors.

"First your daddy, but he doesn't matter. He never was important." When she said that about my father I grab her arm tightly. "Matt, your hurting me."

Forbidden: Le Professeur || Completed|| ||Book Two||Where stories live. Discover now