Chapter 9 : Powers pt 2

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After we found Cüron and Manning told us what he wanted to tell us (you should have seen him he was so skittish around Cüron he could barely focus) we went to the training field out in the back of the facility so Erin and I could show our powers.

"So who's going first?", Liz asks looking at us.

"Umm I'll go first since I was here first and haven't told you guys.", Erin says with a little bit of guilt in his voice. "Alright I have the power of empathy, fire aura, lie detection, and body language analysis." He says with some dignity.

"Can you translate Abe?", Hellboy says.

"The power to sense and control emotion, control fire, detect lies, and interrupt/predict body language.", he says with his usual matter of fact tone.

"Cool, can you demonstrate?",Hellboy asks with a grin on his face.

" Ok. Dad your feeling impressed but a little disappointed. You want to walk toward us with open arms but there is something holding you back.How about that?",Erin says with a monotone voice like he is reading a school book.

"Ok I admit you're right but what about the fire thing. Is it like your mums or no?", He asks a little taken back.

"Mmm.. you can say that but it's a bit different.", Erin answers.

"Different how?', Liz asks now.

"Well I can use my fire on command like you but I have a time limit. So say I light up right now I then have an hour until I smoke. And by smoke I mean that my fire disappears and smoke comes off me.My record time is 6 hours.", Erin answers and then turns to me," Your turn."

"Ok I have psychic navigation, fire manipulation,enhanced combat/weaponry skills, and hunting intuition.", I say not really caring.

"Mind find, manipulate fire, gifted in fighting and weapon holding, and intuitive hunting ability.", Abe says or translates to my parents.

"Demonstrate please.", Hellboy says.

" Ok well I already did the mind find. Umm... I have demonstrated my fighting/weaponry skills on the field, and my hunting so the only power is the fire. Wanna give your sis a spark bro?", Say as I lookout my brother. And he answers with his left arm on fire.

" I'll take that as a yes. Alright then lets play with fire.", I say with a playful smile on my face and I turn towards him. He throws a fire ball and I catch it and I make shapes and patterns out of it then throw it back. We do this for three minutes until mom joins in and we have an even bigger fire ball game. We played for about 10 minutes then we stopped and we talked on the field with a few burned patches of grass. Pretty sure Manning won't mind.

* One hour later *

"Alright Cüron we need to ask you some business questions.", I say to him with a serious face.

" Ok.", he says to me with the same amount of seriousness.

"Why was your pack attacking the farmers? Is someone controlling them or is it for another reason?", I ask him while eye balling my dad. Don't think I'll forget a bet.

"Ok it's complicated but I'll try my best to explain it. So about 5 months ago my pack was small, about 10 or so members not including me and my family.We were starving, loosing members day by day until a rival pack showed up with a preposition. We join them on their turf and not go hungry, or they'll kill us. My dad being the alpha chose to pack up with them. But over the course of time I noticed that the other pack wasn't acting right, but they did fead us, gave us shelter, and didn't hurt any of us. Then their alpha and my father told us that we were going hunting. So I followed them thinking it was a normal hunt but it wasn't. We were on human property, which is against the hound code.But all my father said was,' These humans are a menus to us and they need to be taken cared of. So we stalked the place for a while and during that time my father and the other alpha gathered fellow packs with their speeches about the humans in the area. Even when they said they were very convincing, I think they had something else in their bag of tricks. Like say a witch or a spell or something cause I didn't believe them.", he says to us and I look at my dad.

"I win. You guys owe me later.", I say with a grin and they just look at me with an astonished look on them. I bet they were thinking 'Why would you bring that up at a time like this?'

"Ok, we'll take you out on the weekend. Now do you know where or when they are going or what they are planning to do?," dad said to Cüron.

"Well .. sort of. You see I heard that after we took over the farms that we would go after a bigger population.", Cüron responded," But I'm not sure."

" *gasp* Erin, do you remember our little change shape game we used to play?", ask with a look of realization while looking at Erin.

"You mean the one we did in our bedroom in the middle of the night?", He asks cautiously.

"Yes that one! Can you still do it? Cause I can.", I say not looking away from him.

"Well... I haven't done it in a while but I can try.", He says keeping his gaze with me.

"Ok what is going on? Where you two always so rebellious as kids when me and your mom weren't looking?", Hellboy says while looking between me and Erin.

"Ok let me explain. So as kids we discovered that if we held our power's energy that we could unlock stronger more dangerous abilities. But we didn't really explore this option to much. But when I got my own place I explored it and I know quite a bit about it.", I reply.

"So what are these new found abilities?", Abe asks inquisitively.

"Well for me I can shape shift into a hell hound looking thing , grow dark angle wings, and travel through near by shadows.", I say smoothly.

"Erin?", Liz asks while looking at him.

"I haven't tried in years but I can try later. Why did you bring it up Artemis?", He asks trying to see where I'm going with this and get out of the spot light.

"I think Cüron and I could infiltrate the pack and take them down rank by rank and then find the one who did this.", I finish saying. And the group grew unsteady and unsure with expressions of fear, concern, and a little bit of anger.

"Absolutely Not!! We're going to make a new plan that we can All be apart of.", says Hellboy. Usually he isn't this concerned but you're His daughter, therefore he automatically cares deeply. But when you look amongst the group and only one facial expression caught you. It was Erin. He was looking at your father probably using his ability to sense emotions and sensed something off about dad.

"I think it could work....Think about it if they're really serving a high demon they could think she is a high servant due to her hell hound look and she'll get the inside scoop.", Says Erin still looking at dad with a concentrated stare.

" *Ugh* Tell you what You get three days and that's it. Don't get anything and we'll come in.," Dad says while pointing his left index finger at me.

"What? That's not going to give her enough time. She needs at least a week. My pack is ...", Cüron begins to protest but gets cut off by my dad.

"To bad pound pup she gets three days.", And with that he gets up and walks away.

Artemis thought ~ No dad. I'm sorry but I am going to need a week for this mission to work. I think I'm going to release my rebel side after years of repressing it. ~

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